File Size: 19007 KB
Print Length: 128 pages
Publisher: Amherst Media (May 13, 2014)
Publication Date: May 13, 2014
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #524,536 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #176 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Photography > Portraits & Selfies #187 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Equipment, Techniques & Reference > Lighting #221 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Nude Photography
Jessica Lark poured her heart and soul into this book, and the love she holds for this genre of portraiture is tangible. Her words are as seductive and alluring as boudoir portraiture itself. She weaves the setting for you, the emotions and reactions she endeavors to give to her clients, and she paints the picture of what boudoir photography should be.Boudoir is one of those things that our society has given a million definitions to – and just as many opinions – but this is real boudoir. Seductive. Sultry. The embodiment of a woman’s inner goddess that we’re given only a small, intimate glance into – that glance leaving us longing desperately for more. It’s beautiful and elegant and proper. Sure, the woman is in lingerie or fabric or nude, but what makes it so intriguing and special for her (and the viewer) is that who she becomes is the woman she dreams she could be, and she glows with a newfound, inner confidence. And that is sexier than any other definition of boudoir.Lark walks you through how to build up the setting and cues for your client to find that certain piece of herself. To where she lets go and allows that vulnerability, allows herself to play and be whoever she wants to be. The beginning chapters of the book go over finding your inspiration, the things that call to you and will attract your ideal client. Lark tells you to take your time through the whole process, and trust me, you most certainly should. You’ll see the core of your style and you’ll pick up on even the smallest nuances that you will want to incorporate into your brand. These qualities will set you apart as a photographer and will take your client into another world. She is safe here to explore, and your images will thank you for giving her that freedom.
I just read Jessica Lark’s newly released book, “Elegant Boudoir Photography”, (by Amherst, Publisher of Photography Books). As a boudoir photographer and brand consultant, I find this book to be incredibly riveting. Hearing about it, I was unsure what to expect … would this be a technical guide for our boudoir genre? A posing guide? A lighting handbook? Yes, there were elements of all these elements within. But more so, it gives insights and provides tools to master the intricate dance between artist and subject.Long before I knew of Jessica Lark, as teacher, author or online persona, I had anonymously seen some images of hers and was drawn in with an inexplicable attraction to them. I could not articulate what it was about those images that grabbed me, but there was something quite visceral. Beyond an aesthetic level, beyond the technical merits, there was an emotional depth I found riveting. It’s a quality that so few can possess but we all strive to achieve. The book graciously pulls back the curtain to tell us how this is achieved, with a romanticized, literary quality akin to a classic novel. In reading this guide, I now understand what I was seeing were the elements within a symphony of Lark’s rituals, like finely tuned instruments, playing together to master the of the art of seduction as a photographer.By page 8, Jessica offers a sort of anthropological view of boudoir, what has become of it, and how it manifests in our culture. It’s poetic, prosaic and sentimentalized. Yes, by the opening page it had me hooked.For those looking for posing advice, this provides an excellent guide – not just by showing what “TO DO”, but showing “WHAT NOT TO DO”. I found this incredibly valuable, knowing what to avoid in my posing flow.
Opinion: Want to shoot nudes? Then this isn't the book for you. But if it's classic, stimulating sensuality that you seek; artful yet edgy photographs that stand the test of time, Jessica Lark's newest book, "Elegant Boudoir Photography," is the one you must have.Story: Jessica Lark is smart, really smart. She knows that boudoir photography is about sensuousness, mood, yearning, desire, craving, passion, infatuation, ardor, anticipation, opulence, sumptuousness, and splendor. And maybe a few more that don't immediately come to mind. She especially knows that it isn't about sex. Sex and sexuality, after all, aren't even remotely the same thing. She knows that explicit is out and seductive is in. If there's a key message Lark works hard to convey, it's this: What's left covered in lace, conjured up only in the mind's eye of the beholder, is an aphrodisiac far more potent than any blatant nude can ever hope to be.Understand what this book is not. It is not about how to use your camera. It's not about shutter speeds, apertures, and ISO settings. It's not about speedlights or studio strobes or softboxes. This is the book you turn to *after* you've become comfortable enough with your gear to operate everything by auto-reflex. And it's certainly not about the mundane task of reminding you to make sure your subjects sign a model release.What you get here are chapters about boudoir set decoration, styling, wardrobe, posing, lighting, and methods for achieving different types of sensuality and a variety of photographic moods. You learn how arching the back can make any subject beautiful. It's all about revealing the spirit more so than revealing the body.
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