File Size: 2807 KB
Print Length: 49 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Erik Vinny (August 13, 2016)
Publication Date: August 13, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #396,461 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #84 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Options #227 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Options #641 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Investing Basics
This book is perfect for those who are ready to commit to option trading. There is definitely a learning curve with this subject, but with the right attitude and a commitment to learning and persistence, you can achieve your trading goals. When starting out, everyone suffers losses with options trading. That's just how it goes, and there's no way to prevent it. However, you can learn to view these "setbacks" as valuable learning experiences that make you a better trader in the long run. This book will be of great help in your business, and anyone who wants to succeed in this business should read this book.
I've bought a lot of trading books in the past at a significant multiple to the price of this book and yet this has turned out to be one of the best investments I've made in recent times. This is easily one of the best trading books that I have read. Keeping it simple, well structured, backed up with historical results thus offering a complete package this e-book really delivers. The strategy removes all the stress of leveraged trading out of a trader's life.Thanks to the author. His explanations of some of the topics were easier to understand than what I have seen on the internet.
I bought this book to get some useful tips and ideas about this Day Trading. I’m glad coz I found this book as informative and very detailed piece. Day trading is the act of buying and selling a stock within the same day. Day trading can be a dangerous game for traders who are new at it or who don't adhere to a well-thought out method. And this book offers some common day trading strategies that can be used by retail traders. This is why I liked about from this book because it will orient you when and how to enter into the stock market world. This rwference is easy to understand. Overall, it’s comprehensive and impressive.
It's a very helpful guide. The book is very comprehensive, the author explained well what options is. This is the first time anybody's ever explained the stock market to me in a way that makes sense. This book gave a pretty good picture of what it is, as well as all of the difficulties that may come on the way. Before diving into investing and options trading, you need to know the basic background knowledge, right information, practice and patience. I really appreciate this book. Overall, this book is a very informative book.
This book is a great starting point to get a general understanding of option trading. I've been looking to get into trading of a while now and this book was a great starting point for me as a beginner to help with understanding the options for trading. It breaks it all down for you so that you know exactly what you are needing to do. It's pretty much written in the simplest form possible for those that are new to trading or wanting to see how it works starting out. I received this product for free in exchange for my review. I'd certainly recommend it to newbies starting out or those of you that may be thinking about trading and want to learn more details of getting started.
I find this Options Trading book informative. I think it has given essential info on how one will be able to learn stuff that will eventually teach him into undergoing this endeavor. With the way the economy is behaving now, investment is a smart option. And this book has been beginner friendly too. Not too technical like other investment or trading books. Anyone reading this book will get essential info on Options Trading and will give him enough confidence to start on one.
Very informative in getting into the world of option trading.This book is so well written that I didn't want to put it down and Very impressive guide with a great knowledge about Options trading. I find the trading strategies are easy to understand, very easy read and clear explanation. I really love this book because it clearly explains options trading and i will definitely recommend this book!
i was interested about options trading for a will, so i bough this book to learn more about it and i can say it was a perfect feet for my expectations,easy to read and understand> well written ,detailed and full of useful informations,so now i can start trading with peace, i recommend this book to every newbie in option trading
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