Twenty-Four Edgar Degas's Paintings (Collection) For Kids
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Have you ever wanted to enrich your child with the arts and humanities? or Have you ever wanted to decorate your child's room with great paintings from one of your favorite painters? Well, you can start with Edgar Degas's Paintings. Twenty-Four Edgar Degas’s Paintings (Collection) for Kids There are colorful, youthful, and inspirational.

File Size: 1845 KB

Print Length: 27 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: April 6, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #2,071,756 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #38 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Insurance > Casualty #54 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Insurance > Property #84 in Books > Business & Money > Insurance > Property

EDGAR DEGAS (1834 to 1917) was a famous French artist – paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings. More than half of his works features dancing and dancers. Critics labeled him as Impressionist but he preferred Realist.Degas was obsessed with painting early in his life. In his high school and college years, he had turned a room in his house into a studio. His art teacher gave him this advice: “Draw lines, young man, and still more lines, both from life and from memory, and you will become a good artist.” Do you think that’s good advice? Why or why not?Look at his self-portrait #1. What can you tell about him? What did Degas want others to see? Painting #3 we have a dance class. How does it resemble today’s dance studios? What’s different? Besides dancing, what other subjects did Degas love to paint? Look closely at paintings in a category, such as portraits of people and people in common pursuits. How well do you think Degas captured the “soul” of these people?To observe paintings and think about the why’s and how’s of the artist makes them more meaningful.

I have collected 26 Edgar Degas's Paintings (Collection) for Kids. I examined 6 of those covers and found that the inside pictures were in the exact same order. At least each picture has a name but no other information. I used kindle from the Microsoft store to look at the pictures, the pictures are in color. Adults would enjoy as well as students.

Save your money. If you must buy one of these buy only one of the painter you want to look at. It may seem that there are multiple books of the same painter, but they all have the same pictures. There is no dialogue or descriptions. Just the painting and the title. You'll get more out of a library book and it won't cost you a thing. I got all of mine free through prime for free. It would have been a ripoff had I paid any money.

French Paintings 18th/19th Century au revoir : Leaving Renoir for our last stop have to say my older daughter was thrilled with all the dance paintings including "The Dance Class", "Ballet Rehearsals" and "End of Arabesque with Ballerina" although Mary having seen "Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando" was reminded of how tired she was of walking and wanted to do something else. That concludes our "Virtual Reality Trip to the Louvre" of which we all had fun and I hope you did,too. If anyone is curious I patterned our pretend trip based upon the actual layout of the Louvre that I found online. Please feel free to start at the beginning of our tour with da Vinci if you care to repeat it. Au Revoir :)

Actually, I don't dislike Edgar Degas' work, I don't like that Stanley Cesar made one book of Degas' work and put 6 different covers on the same 24 paintings. Surely, Mr. Degas produced more than 24 works of art? I can't imagine the reason for this unless it was to dupe the buying public.

Few of us, outside of major metropolitan areas ever even get to see works of art like this. To expose children early enough to appreciate art is grand. I love this book series! Everyone should have the opportunity to see these, even if they aren't the originals.

I love Degas. The works chosen were a good variety of subjects and time range. Perfect for my eight year old son, who loves art, as an introduction.I would have liked some of the pics to have been larger; most were fitted so that they are the maximum either in portrait view or landscape. There are some with white or black edges around the pic, but considering the audience and price (free), I didn't mind.It would have been nice to have a small description in addition to the title and date.

The was a short, digital-download book with simple lessons on some of Degas's paintings. A great way to teach art appreciation. Even though it's geared toward children, I believe anyone who has little-to-no art knowledge can benefit from it. I downloaded the book for myself and have been pleased with it.

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