Health Is In Your Hands: Jin Shin Jyutsu - Practicing The Art Of Self-Healing (with 51 Flash Cards For The Hands-on Practice Of Jin Shin Jyutsu) (2014 Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist)
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Health, Self-Help. The physio-philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu is a traditional Japanese healing art for harmonizing life energy. In HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS, bestselling author and authorized Jin Shin Jyutsu instructor Waltraud Riegger-Krause makes Jin Shin Jyutsu conveniently accessible as a hands-on practice to anyone interested in sharing and benefiting from its therapeutic and salutary powers. Besides offering an astute, yet simply and clearly written introduction to the foundations and complexities of Jin Shin Jyutsu, HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS lays out a wide variety of treatments for a broad range of symptoms and conditions. What makes HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS truly revolutionary and indispensable, however, is its comprehensive flash-card set for immediate hands-on Jin Shin Jyutsu application, which, owing to its visual aids and multicolored arrangement, allows you to quickly learn the connections between the depths, energy locks and organ flows, and to choose the appropriate cards and practice the appropriate flows for any given symptoms. HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS is nothing less than a veritable Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid Kit together with a thorough presentation of this healing art all in one.

Paperback: 195 pages

Publisher: Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc.; 1st US edition (March 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1935830236

ISBN-13: 978-1935830238

Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 4 x 6 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (62 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #73,761 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #71 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine #97 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Energy Healing #187 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health

I would like to second Massage Therapist's review. This book/card set is a beautifully done and extremely helpful review and study guide for anyone who has taken the 5 day JSJ live courses. And it would also make a good introduction to this extremely simple and effective healing art for someone wishing to explore what JSJ has to offer.I was introduced to JSJ through Alice Burmeister's introductory book (The Touch of Healing) many years ago. A friend gave it to me. She told me that that book had been her only affordable healthcare for many years when she was traveling and pursing studies around the world. At the time I was skeptical. While I was familiar with acupuncture and acupressure, I had never heard of JSJ and it looked too simple to me. But fortunately this was a good friend and I had a bent for exploration, so I read the book and and dutifully tried a few of the holds. And wow! They really worked! In my case, they particularly helped me to regulate my blood sugar which was a real problem in my life at that time. After that I went on to take live JSJ classes and become a practitioner and have been using it ever since for my own self-care as well as for family, friends and clients.JSJ is a very gentle art, but incredibly useful and effective. I was especially grateful to have it when I was helping my mother through hospice. In her last days she developed a constricted bladder making her very uncomfortable. The nurse said we would have to catheterize her (an unpleasant procedure that none of us wanted), but agreed to let me try JSJ first. Placing my hands on two points to stimulate the Bladder Flow, mom's urine was flowing freely in less than 2 minutes. I remember the nurse saying, "WOW! THAT sure is a lot better than having to catheterize!

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