Paperback: 608 pages
Publisher: Bear & Company; 3rd edition (March 15, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1879181584
ISBN-13: 978-1879181588
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (122 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #17,398 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #16 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Holistic #1468 in Books > Medical Books
I cringe when I read, "As a scientist..." or "I have a physics degree, therefore..." as total lead-in balony. The most fundamental problem is that so-called scientists, physicists, and mainstream medical practitioners know absolutely ZERO about what this book introduces and tries to explain. Apparently all these brilliant people are quite satisfied with the fact that the USA ranks near last in every relevant category relating to health amongst First World countries, despite throwing the most money at "health care", having the most modern medical technology, counting the most doctor visits, and being the most medicated people on Earth. Perhaps the Newtonian view should be challenged then, if we can ever cut through all the greed, corruption, and politics involved in "modern" Western Health Care. Vibrational medicine is clearly the answer in one from or another (because it's best for the people, not the doctors and corporations obviously) and the irony is that there is very good "scientific evidence" that many of our truly ancient cultures discovered and perfected it as their primary healing therapies. Homeopathy is probably the best example of a vibrational medicine that is consistently skewered and mocked, but yet continues to out perform allopathic medicine by a wide margin for a fraction of the cost. It's a shame that "medical science" is so bought and paid for, and for such a long time. So I'll let the physics guy scribble equations on a note pad any day; I prefer to uncover, understand, experiment, then practice vibrational medicine (in its various forms) on my very appreciative patient base and then observe the tremendous results. This book is a great starting point on what's out there within the vibrational world.
Please do not be put off by "reviews" from people who do not understand homeopathic principles or vibrational medicine. There are now photographs of the molecular structure of water exposed to various stimuli that show that an "etheric" or energetic imprint does NOT require actual plant matter or other substance to be present in order to effect a change (research by Masaru Emoto is currently published in three separate books from Hado Publishing). This supports homeopathic dilution and other vibrational medicine techniques. You may or may not buy into the theories of Atlantis, Lemuria, channeling, etc., but just as we don't thoroughly understand electricity and still find it useful, vibrational medicine does not need to be explainable with our current level of knowledge to be useful. This book is one of many fascinating reads and while much remains to be learned, it should at least be read before being dismissed.
Dr. Gerber comes across as an enthusiastic, articulate, knowledgeable, perceptive, open-minded, and well-intentioned guide to a host of subtle-energy therapies ranging from flower essences to radionics. This reviewer found of special value his discussions of Electroacupuncture According to Voll, experiments with healing hands and magnets, and the neurophysiology of kundalini. His characterization of homeopathy as an energy therapy certainly seems on target. He also sprinkles intriguing insights into the psychology of healing throughout his general exposition of the commonly argued theoretical framework of energy medicine.So this book offers very readable, rich fare to scientists, medical practitioners, and ordinary people who want to learn about the entire field of energy medicine, including the underlying scientific and psychological theory and the interconnections among the various modalities.However, four deviations from perfection must be noted. First, this is a monoglot and provincial book. Even though the author refers to healing practices around the world, he exhibits a strong tendency to favor the North American versions. The narrative shortchanges the major contributions of the Russians, although ironically Kirlian is termed a Russian instead of an Armenian.Second, the science of biophotonics (chemiluminescence) and the well-documented practice of Biophotonic Therapy (Photoluminescence), the treatment of the blood by light, are central to an understanding of energy medicine. Yet the book simply doesn't discuss the findings in the extensive biophotonics and BT literatures.Third, aside from an inadequate concluding chapter, the book is rather dated. Most of the references are to the literature of the 1970s and early 1980s, but plenty of interesting research has been done since then.Fourth, the reader will want to take with an appropriately sized grain of salt Dr. Gerber's assertions regarding the proclivities of the healer caste of Atlantis, the validity of "channeled information" from psychics (a key source), reincarnation as a source of physical ailments, and the reality of various astral and higher spiritual life forms. Nonetheless, he deserves great credit for the effort and intelligence with which he has assembled and explained the therapies and theories of this fascinating and vitally important field.
This book is one of the best I have read in the past several years! Dr. Gerber takes an honest and open look at what is behind the movement towards energetic healing therapies. His research, and coverage of other people's research, helps explain why energy healing works, how our bodies are vibrational energy patterns, and opens the door to understanding this new look at the world of medicine and healing. Dr. Gerber's book helps bridge the gap between the metaphysical world of "Energy Healing" modalities and the western world's scientific view of medicine. This book will convince you that these two worlds need to come together if we are to really address the world's health and healing problems facing us in the 21st century. In nearly 600 pages, this book is not a gloss-over of the subject, but a detailed look at human energy structures and ways of treating physical manifestations of energetic imbalances. Highly recommended reading!- Mark Greenia, Author of "Energy Dynamics: Conscious Human Evolution."
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