Series: LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: LWW; Third edition (December 23, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781774837
ISBN-13: 978-0781774833
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 0.6 x 10.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (26 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #110,276 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #98 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Massage #118 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine #147 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Physical Therapy
Body Mechanics for Manual Therapists by Barbara Frye is a must for all massage therapists, physical therapists and others doing manual bodywork. I would even recommend it for those doing less physical work, like Reiki and Polarity practitioners. The book is well written, practical and easy to use.In her book, Ms. Frye covers movements that all practitioners do repetitively. Through diagrams, exercises and awareness checks, she effectively guides you to discovering ways to do your work with less physical exertion. This means less tension in your body and more clients on your table.Ms. Frye's work can help you significantly increase the number of clients you see in a week by helping create ease of movement that increases stamina.I have used this book in 3 ways:(1) I have improved my body mechanics in my work and other areas of my life.(2) I have used it as a teaching tool in classes I teach for both beginners and for advanced massage training.(3) I have used many of the awareness techniques with my clients.My clients have benefitted greatly from this work. By sharing the awareness techniques and movement pieces with them, they are better able to retain the benefits of bodywork sessions.Body Mechanics for Manual Therapists is a reference book you will refer to throughout your career. It's practical immediately as well as in long term care of yourself and your clients. I love it.
For years I've heard from so many therapists with occupational pain. Back, neck, arm, hand, and others. And now there is finally a book that can really help. Yes, there are other books which address hand pain, but this book covers the whole picture. Not only are the hands and arms addressed, but how to use the feet, knees and lower legs for massage is included as well. It's about time! The text goes into great detail on how to make functional movements, such as bending, lifting and applying pressure, effortlessly and skillfully. These are the important movements for therapists to learn to prevent muscular pain, injury - and burnout. It's about time! I highly recommend this book to all practicing therapists, and to every student of massage and bodywork.
Where was this book when I went to massage school? I was not taught proper body mechanics when I went to massage school. Consequently, I developed poor movement habits. I had back and hand pain and, after only 2 years, was ready to close my practice. Around this time a friend told me about this book - and thank god she did. It saved my back, hands and my career. I am now working without pain and am happy to say that I plan to have a long and prosperous massage practice!
This new edition is hot off the press. When a friend of mine received a review copy, she called and said "you've got to get this book - it will change the way you do massage." She was right. Though I haven't had the book for long, it has, in this short amount of time, changed my body mechanics. And for sure, it will save me from "burnout". I wish this book had been around when I was in school, but I'm happy to know students today will have the opportunity to use it. If massage schools are smart, they will require every student to read it. As for me, I'm spreading the word to fellow massage therapists!
If you are a therapist, of any kind, you must buy this book. I use mine almost everyday to help keep myself injury free - and so far, so good. I also use the "client education tips" regularly to education my clients. The book also has helpful "practice tips" which help me to remember good body mechanics when at the table. I love this book - so will you!
I was recently at a massage convention. This book was by far the best one there on the subject of body mechanics. Its functional approach, illustrations, layout, and overall format not only make it easy to use, but a pleasure as well. All others fail to brighten up an otherwise historically dry subject. It will relight your fire and renew your, perhaps neglected, promise of self-care!
I am amazed at how this book takes a subject like body mechanics and makes it easy to learn, interesting, and even fun! The photos are a great addition to this edition and I love the new color and graphics. The additional appendices are a super addition, especially the application to Spa Therapy and Troubleshooting Common Repetitive Injuries. I have never seen a book of this kind on body mechanics for massage therapists. Every bodyworker should own a copy. And massage schools should require it as reading! Bravo
I've been teaching massage for over 15 years, and in all that time I've never come across such a wonderful book on body mechanics. This book is a gem. As a teacher I find its content up-to-date and concise. The photos are clear, the exercises are brilliant, and the tips for students are an extra bonus. My students have learned an incredible amount from this book, and I see it in their work with each other. I wouldn't be without this book in the classroom, and my students will be so thankful for it after they graduate.
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