Hardcover: 496 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 3 edition (June 11, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323049699
ISBN-13: 978-0323049696
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.9 x 11.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (19 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #66,684 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Chiropractic #16 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Chiropractic
This book is in use for the Chiropractic course in Odense, Denmark, as a textbook on chiropractic technique in the 5.th and 6.th semester of the 10 semester university programme. Great book with nice illustrations, allthough there are a few mistakes or typing errors. This is a great book for teaching manipulative therapy.
I recently graduated chiropractic college and found this book to be one of the main sources to help me learn chiropractic technique. The pictures are great. It shows you how to set up and what the direction of torque is. I used this to study for the National Boards Part 2, 3 and 4. It also has a great section on how show how to translate a PRS-SP Gonstead listing into a National or Medicare listing. This section alone helped me a lot on the boards. I also used the following study guides for the preparing for the Chiropractic National Boards:National Board of Chiropractic Part II Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers by Patrick LeonardiNational Board of Chiropractic Part III Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers with Explanations by Patrick LeonardiNational Board of Chiropractic Part IV Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers (Topics: Diagnostic Imaging) Volume 1National Board of Chiropractic Part IV Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers (Topics: Case Management and Technique Practical) Volume 2 by Patrick LeonardiThese study guides helped me tremendously on the boards. They prepared me for the type of questions to get ready for. They also helped me to know which sections I was weak in before taking the boards. These 5 books helped me greatly in preparation for taking the boards. Buying these books are definitely better than taking over the boards again.
This review is only for the kindle version of this Book, the book itself is in depth and closer to a 5 star, but I've been using this kindle version for just a little while and some of the links you click on take you to the wrong figure in the book, overall it just isn't as easy to navigate around as I would think the paper book would be. I am using an ipad to view the book, I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
I bought this book on the recommendation of a Palmer instructor. One of the biggest problems I've had is finding another student to practice with. Not only that, if you practice adjusting wrong, you learn wrong and waste a lot of time & effort - not to mention your frustration level goes into orbit...The instructors in the classes almost make it look too easy. But they've had tons of experience. Things get a lot more confusing when there are so many techniques, what not to do, where to put your hands, how to stabilize, etc etc etc. This book, though pricey, is concise and to the point with lots of photos - where to place your hands, patient positions, doctor stance, lines of drive & correction, multiple techniques, extremities adjusting, and so forth. School is so hectic and there is so much to learn, so many exams & practicals, boards, more exams, internal orals, etc. We already spend a large fortune on tuition. If you're going to invest in your future, why skimp on the few things that can make your adjusting life a bit easier?My only regret is that I wish I'd bought and started reading this book in my first quarter at Palmer.
A great, priceless book for chiropractic students such as myself. However, the website with videos that accompany the text is still not available. Big mistake. Videos would've been a great compliment to the text as it is a technique book. This will be a definite 5 star rating as soon as the website is up and running.
One cannot learn to adjust or perform physical therapy or orthopaedic testing from a book, no matter how clever the photographs. However, this may be one that is quite close. The set-ups are almost exactly as the pictures detail, and the explanations are top-notch. For the price, it is worth the purchase.
Got the book, but the promised website with videos is 'under construction' I'm giving low stars because of this.
Exactly what I wanted and also a board required text for those students who may need to take boards in the near future.
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