Paperback: 177 pages
Publisher: Wisdomwell Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0912381035
ISBN-13: 978-0912381039
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 6 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (20 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #140,258 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Acupuncture #49 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Chinese Medicine #94 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Acupuncture & Acupressure
I gave Dianne Connelly's book on the Five Elements to my mother, an artist, because it clearly describes the art of Chinese medicine. It lifts the veil from the mysteries of a healing tradition that expresses a deep respect for nature and wellness. The British school of acupuncture often looks deeper than quick-fix Chinese medicine by reaching for the source of imbalance.. It is well worth looking in to. I recommend it to readers of ASIAN HEALTH SECRETS and anyone interested in PERSONAL RENEWAL.
This book should be required reading for any acupuncture student. Ms. Connelly's thesis provides important and difficult-to-find information on Five Element Acupuncture. Her book is well-written and easy to understand. The case study and vignettes offer a unique glimpse into this type of treatment. As a student of acupuncture and chinese medicine, I found it to be a highly valuable resource.
There's surprisingly little info. "out there" about five element acupuncture, first taught by J.R. Worsley, originally of the U.K. This book provides some of the only written info. you'll find, and because of that, is fairly helpful. If more were written, this book might seem kind of basic/generic, but there's an absolute paucity of available info., so it's actually very helpful, by default. The author studied with J.R. Worsley in England, and breaks down what the five elements are like re: health and treatment through this unusual, rare form of acupuncture.
If you know virtually nothing about the 5-element theory, then this book will be of great help. It's pretty basic and I think it is meant to be that way. This is an introduction to the 5 elements and a good explanation of the theories and practices behind them. I found it very informative as a newbie to the field but it is perhaps not deep enough for those who already possess the basic knowledge. I still refer to it from time to time and I like this book more as a refresher in case I am blanking on something that I know that I am supposed to know :)
It's way too hard for people to understand what is 5 elements in Asian studies. This is very basic book but very well written. The Hara book is also good in explaining how people think in general in Japan as a generation in their own communities.
I loved this book and recomm it to everyone. It is very understandable for my first book of this type. I was an RN for 22 yrs and never read anything of this type of book on health care alternative. It is well written and easy to understand.
If you buy the KINDLE edition make sure to check it right away. When I bought it there was a big white blank stripe going across 25% of most of the pages eliminating parts of paragraphs, words, pics, etc. It's hard to tell with just the paragraphs so look for pages with pictures and diagrams to make sure they've rescanned and corrected the issue.Otherwise, you're better off with a cheap material copy.
The book is niclely laid out and very well written. All the elements are covered and give great examples of case studies
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