Nutrition & Diet Therapy
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NUTRITION & DIET THERAPY11E is an updated introduction to the essentials of nutrition concepts, good health and client care that will provide you with a solid foundation in nutrition. This book addresses misconceptions presented in the media about the link between good nutrition and good health and will enable you to more effectively help your clients improve their nutrition and overall health. NUTRITION & DIET THERAPY 11E is organized around three simple concepts. Section One covers the fundamentals of nutrition, Section Two explains how to maintain good health through nutrition and Section Three addresses the nutrition therapy concepts nurses need to know.

Series: Nutrition & Diet Therapy

Paperback: 640 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 11 edition (March 20, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1133960502

ISBN-13: 978-1133960508

Product Dimensions: 1 x 8 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #85,887 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #20 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Diet Therapy #49 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Diet Therapy #58 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Nutrition

This was my second time ordering this book from this company and neither time did the book come with the studyware that their listing says it comes with. I tried contacting them when I received the first book and got no reply. I will be contacting them again in regards to this one. We shall see....

I was very pleased with the layout of the book. It is easy to understand. The back of the book also has like 60 pages of different foods with protein, fats, etc listed. It makes doing my diet journals and diet reports for class very easy. I would recommended this book to anyone who is taking Diet and Nutrition.

This was the book that was needed for the class I was taking so it was good to have and to be able to following along and complete my professors assignments. However I wish that we used a more updated version because not everything in the book is still valid.

The information in this book is incorrect. Here's one example: Although there is no such thing as a deficiency of carbohydrate, the book claims that such a thing could result in ketoacidosis, which the author describes as the liver being depleted of glycogen. This is wrong on so many levels.Avoid this book.

The answer were all circle. .

I had to get this book for my nutrition class and it breaks everything down and really allows you to understand. I'm actually still using this book to study for state Board exams

The book was BRAND new, in great condition, but it didn't not come with the access card and studyware it was advertised to have.

excellent condition, came before my classes started. Feeling confident because I have all the materials needed to complete my exercises and assignments. Thank you.

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