Calculus 1
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Functions, limits and derivatives for first-year calculus students.

Series: Quickstudy: Academic (Book 1)

Pamphlet: 6 pages

Publisher: QuickStudy; Lam Crds edition (November 7, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1572227966

ISBN-13: 978-1572227965

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (40 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #24,021 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #6 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Reference #39 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus #56 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Calculus

Well, it does list a lot of commonly used calculus equations with brief explanations. To be completely honest, I don't thing these notes help much at all. For example, the related rates section (usually the hardest part of calc 1) basically says to just differentiate with respect to time then solve, which really doesn't help. It is good if you are towards the end of the semester and need a quick refresher but these will *not* teach you something you don't know.

Bought a set for Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus. They are good to have around the home for your kids but there's nothing spectacular about them. And don't hold your breath for the "free downloads" advertised on them...they include highly sought-after titles like "Keys to High School Success," "Flag Day," & "Email Etiquette."

This study guide is actually six pages long. It covers topics typically taught in a first semester calculus class. The first three pages contain material I would classify as pre-calculus. It includes topics such as numbers, algebraic functions, exponentials, logarithms, and trigonometry functions, so basically you are left with three pages covering calculus topics. These topics are divided into a discussion of limits, continuity, derivatives, and integration. It covers definitions of these topics and some applications, rules, and formulas. Most of this material is very condensed and thus somewhat difficult to understand unless you have an accompanying calculus text that provides more in-depth information.You might be better off creating your own study guide based on what you are covering and what you need to know in your particular calculus class, but for the few dollars this costs, you probably can’t go wrong with this.

I purchased this because my daughter was having a little trouble in her college calculous class. She said that this chart was great during her study sessions and not only helped her to pass the class but also helped others.

Great reference or study guide for the beginning calculus student.Also a great and easy to use for the student and teacher needinga refresher.

You do need the second calculus one as well - they work better together than separate depending on how the instructor teaches.

Has all the formulas and theory your student will need. Bought it for my grandson who is enrolled in a dual HS and college program and he is happy with the contents. which I could remember this stuff from my early education!

Decent synopsis of calculus. Good for basic quick lookups. Nicely laminated and fits into 3-ring binder.

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