Series: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook
Paperback: 912 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 10 edition (February 27, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323085490
ISBN-13: 978-0323085496
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 8 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (254 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #3,863 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #7 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Diagnosis #8 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Diagnosis #8 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Clinical > Assessment & Diagnosis
My 2-star rating is in reference to the format, not the textbook itself.I try to purchase the Kindle version of as many of my textbooks as possible to limit the load I need to carry to nursing school every day. Some are totally worthwhile. Unfortunately, this text requires quick accessibility for cross-referencing which (somewhat ironically because it's digital) is not easily done in the Kindle format.This is not an attack on the Kindle or the textbook (it's a fantastic book); I simply recommend that if you need this book, you buy the hard copy.
I love the book. I updated from the 8th edition which has served me well. Me and my fellow nursing students across many schools prefer this book for care plans.If I was reviewing JUST the hard copy, it would be 5 stars.However, the publishers is still missing many online resources that the book advertises having, the one most important in my opinion being the Care Plan Constructor.I know it seems like not a big enough reason to give it 3 stars, but it was the ONLY reason I updated. The eight edition costs 10$ shipped used and will be more than enough. I know a few people going for their Masters or NP who still use 8th.Im half debating on returning it for it being mis-advertised.
I have been using the mandatory Carpenito handbook for my nursing program and hated it. A fellow student happened to have the 9th ed of this book and I immediately fell in love with it...and subsequently had to have it. The index in the front with all the relevant nursing diagnoses that coincide with specific medical diagnoses is amazing!! And I love having interventions and rationales (including EBN rationales) all spelled out for you in one location. This has saved me so much time with the millions of care plans I have to do.My only problem is that the advertised supplemental material online including pre-made care plans, case studies, a care plan customizer, NCLEX review questions, etc are not available. The website is basically a shell waiting for someone to put the information in. I was extremely disappointed as this was the main reason I splurged on the brand new latest edition of this book. Otherwise I would've saved myself $30.
Simply the best book of its type. Easy to use, simple handy index, and access to EBP interventions for every nursing diagnosis with references. A must for every nursing instructor and I insist my students purchase this. They all love this book and it becomes their most indispensable textbook for their student career.
This book is definitely a keeper. I used this all throughout nursing school and I don't plan on getting rid of it any time soon. It is great because you can just look up what your patient has like COPD and it will give you a list of potential nursing diagnoses to use. The intervention list is extensive which is great when trying to make careplans. It helped me understand why each goal and intervention was appropriate for the nursing diagnosis and I always did well on my graded careplans!
Very helpful resource during nursing school. Used it for all of my care plans and other paperwork. I highly recommend it. You can easily search by diagnosis or symptom then go over to the specific nursing diagnosis for the nursing implementations/actions, rationales for the actions are given as well.
This book is good but has so much room for improvement! As a first year nursing student, coming up with a good nursing diagnosis made me cry at times. This book needs to include more "R/T" criteria and "AEB" criteria because so many patients these days don't fit the standard nursing diagnoses.
My school pushes Carpenito's book, but this book is superior. Easy to navigate and gives you rationales for your nursing orders. I've used it for my medsurg, mental health, OB and pediatrics rotations and it's made writing care plans so much less of a painful process.
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