Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, Brief 3e
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This manual is appropriate for courses populated primarily by allied health students or for courses where an abbreviated number of experiments is preferred. This new edition has been carefully revised to provide increased clarity, better organization, and improvements to its already unsurpassed photography and artwork. These features have made this manual and its associated title, Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, 4e, the best-selling microbiology lab manual series on the market. Features include the following: Theory and Application provide students with the general principles and everyday purpose of the labs; "In This Exercise" clearly explains what students can expect as they work through the Lab Procedures; Biochemical Reactions for the Organism and Indicator Reactions of the Test depict the reactions taking place in the lab; Materials, Medium Recipes, and Lab Procedures give students step-by-step instructions for conducting the labs. Biosafety levels are also included so that students are aware of the safety precautions necessary for each lab; Tables of Results help students organize and interpret results; Data Sheets provide students room to record their data and answer critical thinking questions; high-quality, full-color photographs, micrographs, and illustrations ensure that students have color-accurate visual representations of what they will see in the lab; photographs and Procedural Diagrams outline the steps necessary to correctly complete the lab; photographs with directional arrows help ensure students use proper technique; clearly written, informative captions help ensure students use proper technique in the lab.

Loose Leaf: 656 pages

Publisher: Morton Publishing Company; 3 edition (January 1, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1617314773

ISBN-13: 978-1617314773

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.1 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (115 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #13,982 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #2 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Diagnostics & Labs > Laboratory Medicine #2 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Pathology > Laboratory Medicine #4 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Microbiology

I'll start with this: I'm writing this review not because I bought this book from , but just because I'm so pleased with the publishers that I'd like to help them out. I came to this page because I'm actually trying to sell this book (I just finished the class and lab); seeing that it so far only has one review rated at 3 stars I felt compelled to help the publishers out. This is a great lab manual, by far the best I have ever used for any lab (I'm a biology major that has taking essentially all of the required labs thus far). The pages are highly detailed and spell out each step. The illustrations are great and the pictures are very fine. A lot of effort went into creating this lab manual.Don't get me wrong - I truly dislike the subject of microbiology. I especailly despised this lab since it was writing intensive and required that much more work to get through. But this book made it much more bearable. It is a great learning tool. I know that if you're reading this you probably don't have a choice, this book is assigned to you and you have to buy it, but just know that even if you've heard that the lab for microbiology sucks (which it does! at least at Texas A&M), the lab manual is phenomenal.

Required for my MICR 300A Class.ACTUALLY read every page in this book.Teaches you how to do stains, make your own nutrient broths, proper 4-Quadrant Streak Plating, Optimum Incubation times for perfect Bacterial Colony growths, and detailed explanation about 1/10 Dilution of Bacterial/viral Organisms.For those who wants to make at-home research laboratory, will require ~+$10,000 in lab equipment and a well ventilated work area.Great Book, passed the class. The only bad thing about this book is that its like a 700 page loose leaf. The Professor was saying how great it was, but to me it's the publisher's way of skimping out on the industrial glue in putting the book together. The Instructors edition of this book is gloriously glued to perfection and looks so MINT that it felt great holding it. No pages fell out of the Instructor's Edition.I'm giving this 5 stars because I passed the class and the pages were very detailed. Almost every page has colored photographs of what Staphylococcus looks like. How a colony Cocci and rod looks on a streak plate. And some images of Blood plates in which bacteria grow extremely well on blood as nutrient.I had such a terrible time carrying loose leaf and those pages were full of regrets because I am more accustomed to carrying a 1-5 lb textbook for college classes. I now need to buy EXTRA 3-ring binders just to hold a few pages of chapters for laboratory class. What's funny is that on WEEK 7+ of the Class, the professor would talk about earlier chapters and how having earlier chapters of the book would help us in TODAY's experiments "Face-palm". There was so much regret that day.Still passed the class though.

Hey, so I am a Ph.D. Microbiologist. I teach at the collegiate and high school levels at the moment. When I was looking for a lab resource, I came across this book. There were alot of comments on the 3-hole punch style of the manual and how people did not like that. That seemed to be the biggest concern.Results: This is an extensive resource that has so many practical lab techniques and experiments that it can be used for introductory or advanced micriobiological testing , courses and professional research lab settings. The book is plainly laid out and well organized. Also the format and visual aids (picture and figures) are essential and help my students when conducting independent science inquiry experimentation Even better, the 3-hole punch format is AWESOME (for the instructor)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As a teacher, having to spend so much time copying lab manuals page by page adds up. Having the ability to take lab exercises and techniques and put it directly into the copier saves me so much time. I'm sure it is challenging for the students, but as a resource that you use it is very helpful.

Just fair warning this book is NOT bound as listed. It was brand new and in shrink wrap. Nothing wrong with the book at all just disappointed that it's not bound. To fix this issue I just purchased a 2" three ring binder to keep the loose pages in. The pages are nice quality like a text book and they don't seem like they will rip out by accident if you handle them respectfully.

This was an incredibly easy to use manual with step by step instructions for every lab and clear data outcome sheets. All reference pictures were true to color and easy to use to compare experiments with. The only downside is that this is a HUGE book! It was difficult to transport and to even find a binder that fit it. They have so many observation sheets in the back and it's a waste, I didn't use a single one and it was much more efficient to simply jot down data than to carry around that huge mass of paper.

When I ordered this textbook I knew it was going to be a loose leaf paper back book. I've never had to deal with that type of textbook before and I can tell you, it's kind of a pain to deal with.Pros:The textbook has excellent contentThere are lots of very nice color pictures and graphsThere are color coded sectional "Tabs" that are visible on the outside of the book to help you jump to the right spotThe pages are slightly thicker than a normal book and helps durability and readabilityCons:The book is a loose leaf paper back editionYou will have to purchase some sort of three ring binder to keep the book inThe hassle of a loose leaf book can be slightly frustrating at times.All in all - if you don't mind loose leaf textbooks this is definitely a great book!

This loose leaf was much cheaper then the bounded version. It was also nice for class because I through it in a binder and could remove the pages that I needed for that day. It was shipped quickly and there was no writing or highlighting so that was fantastic, and all pages were included no missing ones.

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