Hardcover: 960 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (January 9, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321981227
ISBN-13: 978-0321981226
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 1.5 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (216 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #5,640 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Physiology #19 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Biology & Life Sciences > Anatomy & Physiology #25 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Physiology
Most importantly, the choice of content was nearly perfect... very readable, but not overly wordy... relevant to all readers who want a general overview of human physiology.The presentation was what motivated the five star rating... The figures were numerous, relevant, informative and intuitive. ... However, there were several innovations in presentation of note. In particular, each chapter had a running series of short clinical correlation boxes, where the relevance of the physiological information was highlighted.... At the end of the chapter there was a concise summary that was easy to read and was competed... The questions at the end were segregated into levels of difficulty and were valuable checks of one's grasp of the material... I can't say enough...With regard to weaknesses, or more precisely text personality... There was very little emphasis on quantitative aspects of physiology, i.e. equations. Many of the important equations were presented, just not emphasized... this goes counter to my view of physiology as a quantitative science.... rather than just a study of structure and function... but, perhaps, the quantitative aspects are more appropriate for a more advanced audience.... Also, one had to progress substantially into the text (500 or so pages), before homeostatic mechanisms were discussed (where I believe these mechanisms form the core of the science of physiology)..... And, most of the first third of the book related more to cellular physiology than to system physiology... an important subject that brings everyone up to speed, but which takes substantial time to master and makes it hard to apply this text to a single semester course....
I ordered this book as a rental, because it was the best deal I could find. It was supposed to have Mastering A & P access with it, but it didn't. There was no Mastering A & P access code anywhere. I had to go ahead and purchase it at the last minute, because I was out of time. My class had already started, and I needed the textbook and the MAP. I haven't had time to try to find a phone number or an email anywhere to contact you guys about it. I had to get the Mastering A&P on my own, which was another $66. I ordered this book from you, so that I wouldn't have to pay that extra $66. For as much as I paid for the rented textbook from you, and the MAP's $66, I could have had the set from the bookstore where I go, for the same amount of money, plus I could have had it immediately, plus I could have owned the book. Please let me know who to contact about this. Thanks. Marlene Hancock
I rented this book for use in my Human Physiology class in college and this book helped me breeze through that class. It is well written and easy to understand. I was really impressed on the amount of information contained in this book, some of the information presented in this book I learned while at a medical school lecture and I was impressed that this book covered some of those concepts and is being used at the undergraduate level.
The book is great at explaining things for someone looking into phys. for the first time. It is simple, easy to understand and has great visuals and interesting examples.Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach (4th Edition) (The Physiology Place Series)
Used this textbook for my uni course in Human Physiology. It has rather good content and the illustrations/graphs/figures and captions are quite helpful in visualising what you are learning. The only downside is it's super expensive new (but honestly which textbooks aren't), so find a used copy!
I understand that this book will be considered simplistic for someone that want to be a surgeon or need to have a deeper knowledge in physiology. However, my interest is to understand the basis of physiology specially how the system works as a whole, and it is why I loved this book. This book is not traditional as other medical physiology book, because it connects the micro with the macro and the sequence of the text is innovative and original. I think this book is a very nice introduction to the world of physiology, specially for rehabilitation and kinesiology professionals.
Taking pathophysiology in pharmacy school, this was a wonderful book. It was so detailed, and supplemented the lectures with material. For me, reading helps me understand the material and put the big picture together. It explains in more detail certain aspects the professors went over in class that help me learn. The pictures are in color. The book I got was a paperback, but I did not mind that. Really, this is a great human physiology book that I would recommend any student to consider as a supplemental book or for a professor to consider as a required reading book. It definitely helped me study.
Human Physiology is a very solid textbook that is easy to read and has great diagrams. I am not the sort of person who reads the textbook to learn the material, rather I treat the textbook as supplementary material. This textbook worked perfectly for that, and was especially helpful in writing lab reports, as the detail on the different systems of the body was exactly what I needed to write great discussion sections. I absolutely love this book!On a side note, make sure and notice that there are multiple listings for this same book, one that includes the IP-10 cd and one that does not. The one that does not sells for much cheaper, so don't buy a book for 90-something dollars (the current used price) if it doesn't have the cd!
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