Guyton And Hall Textbook Of Medical Physiology, 13e (Guyton Physiology)
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The 13th edition of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology continues this bestselling title's long tradition as the world’s foremost medical physiology textbook. Unlike other textbooks on this topic, this clear and comprehensive guide has a consistent, single-author voice and focuses on the content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students. The detailed but lucid text is complemented by didactic illustrations that summarize key concepts in physiology and pathophysiology. Larger font size emphasizes core information around how the body must maintain homeostasis in order to remain healthy, while supporting information and examples are detailed in smaller font and highlighted in pale blue.Summary figures and tables help quickly convey key processes covered in the text.Bold full-color drawings and diagrams.Short, easy-to-read, masterfully edited chapters and a user-friendly full-color design.Brand-new quick-reference chart of normal lab values on the inside back cover.Increased number of figures, clinical correlations, and cellular and molecular mechanisms important for clinical medicine.Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience includes the complete text, interactive figures, references, plus 50 self-assessment questions and more than a dozen animations.

Series: Guyton Physiology

Hardcover: 1168 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 13 edition (June 3, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1455770051

ISBN-13: 978-1455770052

Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.7 x 1.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (41 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #4,990 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #8 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Pathophysiology #8 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Pathophysiology #15 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Physiology

This is a great physiology textbook! I'm a little over 100 pages in and thought I would leave my thoughts and findings so far. The full online version of the book and resources are included for free! Sixteen video animations, multiple choice questions on each unit of the book, and 25 enhanced images where you can quickly hide the labels, quiz yourself, and then click to see the correct label are all part of the online version resources. There are no quizzes or questions at the end of each unit in the physical print edition (I think the Guyton and Hall Physiology Review 3e is geared toward this aspect). The general layout of the textbook is two columns of text per page with many figures and tables interwoven. The font of the text is clear and easy to read. The text guides you through the figures and explains them well as it is teaching the subject making for a far better learning experience than others where they just have a description underneath the figure (in this textbook there is also a very brief description under the figure but mainly is described in the main part as you are reading). There are mini bibliographies at the end of each unit allowing you to know where you might start to further dive into that topic and read some of the current research papers. Modern research and findings have been seamlessly incorporated. An index is included at the back of this book, but there is no glossary.Here is the general outline (15 units broken down into 85 chapters):Unit 1 - Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General PhysiologyUnit 2 - Membrane Physiology, Nerve, and MuscleUnit 3 - The HeartUnit 4 - The CirculationUnit 5 - The Body Fluids and KidneysUnit 6 - Blood Cells, Immunity, and Blood CoagulationUnit 7 - RespirationUnit 8 - Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving PhysiologyUnit 9 - The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory PhysiologyUnit 10 - The Nervous System: B. The Special SensesUnit 11 - The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative NeurophysiologyUnit 12 - Gastrointestinal PhysiologyUnit 13 - Metabolism and Temperature RegulationUnit 14 - Endocrinology and ReproductionUnit 15 - Sports Physiology

I used this book as a first year medical school student. It was great! It contains a lot of information so it is difficult to read everything during the ridiculously paced medical school curriculum. However, if you really want to understand the concepts and not just memorize facts, this book is the one to use. Costanzo is ok. But I frequently found myself reading Costanzo to try to save time, but in the end I had to come back to Guyton because it did a better job of explaining the details.

The information in this text is almost beyond belief. The writing style is wonderful: clear, thorough, and very comfortable to read for both technically literate and lay people. The design and printing are exquisite. It comes with a key code for the interactive e-book version which is also a fantastic example of design. Superb value; I am very, very pleased. I've been studying it every day since it came.

Without an intimate knowledge of all aspects of physiology, disease mechanisms can never be fully understood and pharmacology becomes rote memorization, rather than the art of fine tuning the target system back to its normal physiologic state. Without physiology there is no medicine.Guyton's textbook is an extremely important tool in understanding physiology.

Overall, a decent textbook. The thing I find VERY annoying is that they added a chapter early on in this edition so basically all of the chapters are off one compared to the previous edition. Normally, this isn't a big deal but I've noticed several places where they are referring to a figure and they didn't edit it correctly so the figure number isn't accurate. Makes it a pain to go back and forth to figure out what figure they are talking about...

it is a great book, with helpful illustrations and easy explanations. the best part is certainly the possibility to watch videos explaining more than just what's in the book and the e-book that you can download in your tablet or phone. i would definitely recommend it.

I bought this book for veterinary school as it was a required textbook. I was so pleased to find this on as it is much more expensive to buy in the bookstore. I really enjoyed this book.As far as medical books go, I thought this one was easy to understand. It does a great job at explaining things and was a perfect supplementation to my class. This really help understand lectures and notes. It helped even more when I needed to study for the test as this is what I reference the most. I was very pleased by the book.

Always enjoyed this textbook and organization. It is very helpful for understanding physiology with applications.For those with limited anatomy background, have any general A&P text, such as Marieb or Salladin, for the fundamentals, and then use this text to move forward to ensure a solid understanding of the material, for success.

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