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Hailed as a classic in its field. Elman's major work is a forceful and dynamic presentation of hypnosis as a lightning-fast and amazingly effective tool in a wide range of therapies. A useful and practical summation of one of the pioneers in hypnotherapy. Elman trained more physicians to use hypnosis than anyone before or since.

Hardcover: 336 pages

Publisher: Westwood Publishing Company (1970)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0930298047

ISBN-13: 978-0930298043

Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 6.5 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (51 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #153,683 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #3 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #12 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #88 in Books > Self-Help > Hypnosis

This particular book was originally published in 1964 and is one of the classics of modern hypnotherapy. The 50s and 60s saw a rush of interest in hypnotism the USA and Soviet Union. It was proven effective for anesthesia, sports performance and psychoanalysis. The military also experimented with hypnotism for "mind control" or "brainwashing." The mainstream press equally sang hypnosis' praises and vilified it. Hypnosis figures into a lot of movies of the era including The Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra and Angela Lansbury from 1962.Dave Elman was a writer, director and producer of network radio programs. At 49 years of age, he decided to change careers and return to hypnotism, something he had studied in his youth. He restricted the enrollment in his Course in Clinical Hypnosis to physicians and dentists, teaching them induction techniques and demonstrating, what he called, hypnoanalysis. I remember my mom using the inductions right out of this book on her friends when I was a little kid.This book is full of anecdotes and case studies. He really shows what can be done with this remarkable tool. I was shocked by the doctors in the book cavalierly tossing out diagnostic labels such as psychosomatic, neurotic, frigid, etc. as if anything they couldn't prescribe a drug for is a neurosis. It helped me to realize how far modern physicians have come in the understanding of compassionate and holistic medicine since 1964. Dave Elman's approach with these same neurotic and frigid patients shows a much more "modern" understanding than their own doctors. He tells them all "everything that ever happened to you is stored in your unconscious mind and can be freed or at least understood through hypnosis." Then he goes on to hypnotize the patient and find perfectly logical causes for their "neurotic aberrations" thereby allowing them to reframe the precipitating event and release the problem. -- Inga Duncan Thornell >^..^

In my popular hypnosis discussion forums Dave Elman is consistently voted as the second most influential figure in the history of modern hypnotism, next to Milton Erickson. This book is in some respects dated so not for the beginner but it contains extensive information from a genuine authority on hypnotism and master of his art. 90% of books on hypnosis are junk, written by bluffers -Dave Elman was not one of them! This is a rather dated approach to therapy. However, Elman's rapid induction technique and simple but clear and accurate perception of the basic principles of hypnosis revolutionised the practice of hypnotherapy. He writes with the voice of someone who genuinely understands his subject from his own experience.Donald RobertsonAuthor of The Philosophy of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Stoic Philosophy as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy

This book is a classic and the part of this book that has become the most popular in hypnosis circles so far is probably the famous Dave Elman Induction, which incorporates suggestibility tests to ratify the trance state and fractionation to help the individual enter into a state of deep trance very rapidly.Some of the techniques taught are so simple and effective that there is even a charming example of a little girl who learned who to use a rapid method of inducing self-hypnosis to help herself deal successfully with an annoying itch.The book also covers applications of hypnosis in different areas of interest to medical doctors and dentists because it was originally written for them.

Anyone who is into hypnotherapy should read this book. Three people suggested I read this book when they learnt I was studying Hypnotherapy. Dave Elman was certainly a head of his time and is still unfortunately under rated. Hypnosis is more than having someone close their eyes in a comfortable chair. Hypnosis occurs when suggestions are believed wholeheartedly 100%. Like the book suggests, it is a beautiful natural state that should be learned from the inside. Unfortunately there are too many people just learning about it from the outside and are afraid to use it.

I had study Psychology and have had my Private Practice for many years. Wanting to add a more efficient dimension to my practice, I investigated many different techniques. I did not find what I was looking for. In my search, I took a short course in Hypnotherapy, but the study book was Dave Elman's "Hypnotherapy". Once I read the book I recognized that I had found a real treatise on the subject. I read it from cover to cover and implemented into my practice all that I found in the book. To my amazement my clients began to progress in short order. To this day I keep my worn copy on my desk and review it often. I recommended it to any therapist searching for more efficiency in his practice.

Dave Elman's book is required reading! I recommend it to all of my hypnotherapy students at our school. His rapid induction techniques make hypnotherapy practical in the professional environment. All of our Hypnotherapists at our Center are also required to know the Elman induction techniques. I have read and re-read this book, and intend to read it again. Each time I learn something new.

This book is worth reading to gain of sense of the historical development of hypnotherapy in the United States. It presents the "state of the art" of hypnotherapy circa 1964. Much of what Elman says is still valid, but some of it is antiquated. For example, he talks about curing the "illness" that is homosexuality. This concept was dropped from the medical diagnostic categories about a decade after the Elman text was written. Elman's book is fun reading, especially for those interested in the history of hypnosis in the United States. He makes some good clinical points and presents several interesting cases along the way. I wish he had been more specific about the "how-to" of his various techniques.

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