Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition (November 17, 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0393701492
ISBN-13: 978-0393701494
Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 0.6 x 8.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (13 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #259,954 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #8 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #23 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #2750 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > General
I wish I had discovered this book sooner. Having read Rossi, Bandler, Grinder, Gilligan, etc., and struggled to get through their overyly analytical obfuscations of Erickson's methods, I was delighted with this simply written, clear, and easy to follow text. The reason I didn't buy it sooner was that I had read his other book "Taproots" and found it too abstract and disappointing. What a long way the author has come since he wrote Taproots! He presents Ericksonian ideas in a way that is delightful to read, down-to-earth, and effortless to follow. O'Hanlon is an excellent teacher, especially for those of us who are jargon-ically challenged. My only gripe is the high cost of this rather brief volume.
This is an engaging and extremely readable introduction to Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Profoundly less "technical manual" than the Grinder Bandler stuff, yet is certainly not dumbed down.Written with humor and undertanding in the informal style of a seminar in a manner that anyone could learn from.I would recommend this to anyone interested in Ericksonian Hypnosis.
O'Hanlon's introduction to solution-oriented work and ericksonian hypnosis is top-rate, while managing to avoid excessively leaning on the purple coat-tails of Uncle Milty (Milton H. Erickson), or on anecdotes about how he was once hypnotized by Erickson himself and thus came to find the "true" path to therapeutic success.The experienced practitioner of hypnosis or solution-oriented therapy will find it an enjoyable read for an introductory review. Those experienced in one or the other modality will find something of value in learning about the overlap between the two disciplines, and the way they can amplify each other.For the curious reader interested in hypnosis, or the beginning student of either method, this is one of the best combinations of readable style and substance on the market
Transcribed from conducting an actual workshop on hypnotic techniques, particularly Ericksonian techniques, the book flows well, is packed w/good info and usable scripts and suggestions; and I now have copious notes and 20 pages of protocol-matrix photocopies to put in my Erickson binder. I will say O'Hanlon offered the best exploration and explanation of Erickson's techniques that I've read thus far. The actual scripts putting the techniques into practical use are worth the book cost. Good reference book.
After this book you'll be able to put people in trance.its very excellently written. I also have guide to trance landwritten by him and he amazed me again with this book. highlyrecommend you buy this book if you want to practice hynotherapy
This book offers offers a look at hypnosis that focuses on a permissive technique rather than suggestive approach to hypnosis to helping a client resolve their problems. The author believes we all know what we need to do within us but sometimes it's a matter of bring ones subconscious to the conscious.
Very nearly everyone has had the experience of driving down the freeway for a long distance and pretty much focusing. so that they may not have heard something on the radio or failed to notice something in a field they were driving by. These are natural phenomena that most of us experience. We can call it deep focus_, or trance, or not. Interested folks may allow themselves a fresh life experience reading _Solution-Oriented_ _Hypnosis:_, _An_ _Ericksonian_ _Approach_, by Bill O'Hanlon, who also offers a fine 20 hr course. I did. As a board certified distance therapist, of course it was of extreme interest to me. deep focus or no.
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