Paperback: 283 pages
Publisher: Aries Rising Pr (July 1, 1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0917211014
ISBN-13: 978-0917211010
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.7 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (5 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,420,819 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #76 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #1204 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Holistic #2578 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > General
Do bacteria cause cancer? The idea, rejected by mainstream cancer researchers, has nevertheless been held and argued for by many prominent scientists, doctors, and researchers. This book is a very readable and well-referenced historical presentation of this alternate view, as well as a partly autobibliographical sketch of the author and his personal search for the ultimate causes of scleroderma and cancer.The weakness of the book, in my opinion, is its lack of what to DO about controlling or curing the pleomorphic cancer microbe. Cantwell does mention the importance of maintaining health to prevent the microbe from becoming pathogenic, but he does not offer any tips as to what to do if one already has cancer.I'd still recommend it, though.
The premise that cancers are caused by live microbes rather than carcinogens is mainstream in today's non-mainstream medical texts, although Cantwell's work was one of the first - I would have preferred that his first 100 pages dealt less with his preference, partners, & past.The 2nd 100 pages is much better discussing Dr. Beaucamp, an antagonist of Pasteur, who correctly identified the cancer culprit, which bore many similarities to TB bacilli, which was a major disease of the early 20th century - Cantwell traces how today's (Pasteur's) germ theory evolved discrediting the genius Beaucamp in passing.Wilhelm Reich is introduced along with his breakthrough understanding of the subtleties of the mysterious cancer microbe without ever defining what his discovery was and where its greatness lay - Cantwell, a dermatologist, never quite identifies his cancer microbe as anything more than that ever-reoccuring, shape changing, microzymalike cancer microbe.The last hundred pages takes place in present time (the AIDS eighties) and draws analogies between the diverse stages of the cancer microbe and the now prevalent Aids virus (major 21st century disease) - Cantwell does everything but spell out how a Polish WWII refugee doctor in Manhattan infected thousands of white, gay males during an Hepatitus B research project sponsored and funded by the federal government (and linkage to a designer biological weapon).The book is different, but very interesting & recommended reading if you are seeking historic information (deeply slanted) of AMA medical schools and their disaccreditation of cancer microbists for these past 125 or so years - If your desire is to learn more about cancer disease specifics and how to rid oneself of it, it's not what this book does...
The Cancer Microbe - Cancer as a bacterial infection.Could it possibly be true? Could all the evidence for this have been hushed up by powerful drug companies?Read the book and decide for yourself.
An interesting exposition of the little talked about infectious theory of cancer. More than anything it shows how disappointingly political American medical science is. It seems that if the right people are making money the facts don't matter. Other major areas of medical science that are suffering the same fate are the cholesterol theory of cardiovascular disease, the autoimmune theory of arthritis and the wrist entrapment theory of carpal tunne. And the American medical system is going broke. I wonder why?
It is such a shame that people die because of nonsense like this. I worked for oncologist some 20 years ago and even back then they knew everything about cancer, from cause, to treatment, and cure. All of this knowledge came from the 'Free Radical Theory of Cancer' - a wonderful theory that explained everything, even the course to cure cancer. It is very hard nowadays to find information on this theory - it was just too good and obviously a threat to cancer profits.
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