Series: Textbook of Natural Medicine
Hardcover: 1744 pages
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 2 edition (November 4, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0443059454
ISBN-13: 978-0443059452
Product Dimensions: 4 x 9.8 x 14.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.9 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (20 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,331,000 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #73 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #895 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Naturopathy #1146 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Holistic
I have read the critical reviews of this textbook and I disagree with them. As a naturopathic physician and educator, I have found this textbook to be an indispensible learning tool for anyone serious about understanding natural medicine. A work of this magnitude is bound to have imprefections. The Textbook of Natural Medicine is an incredibly ambitious work. More importantly, it is a groundbreaking work. Many others have come later to improve upon what Drs. Murray and Pizzorno have created here, but this book is the grand-daddy of all of them. Murray and Pizzorno have done more to advance awareness of naturopathic medicine in the world than anyone. This textbook is only one part of their legacy. Moreover, it is not the work of just two people, but a collaborative effort that includes many contributors. This book was written by practitioners with tremendous intelligence and experience, who were practicing complementary and alternative medicine decades before most people even knew what it was. This evolving work that deserves the highest regard, even with its flaws. There are critical aspects of natural medicine that exist nowhere in print except in this textbook. Any healthcare practitioner who has not studied it cannot claim to be an expert in natural medicine.
The Textbook of Natural Medicine is an amazing compilation of information on natural medicine, clearly the definitive work on natural medicine to date. What is perhaps the most amazing about this book is it's comprehensive nature. From detailed information on the history of naturopathic medicine to wonderfully complete discussions of individual herbal medicines, this book has it all. Even difficult-to-categorize subjects like detoxification, food allergies and stress management have been included. For the practitioner, perhaps the most valuable feature of this two-volume set are over 70 chapters dedicated to specific health problems. These chapters include sections on both diagnostic and therapeutic considerations, enabling the physician to get a quick overview/review of general features of the disease, appropriate diagnostic approaches and possible differential diagnoses, as well as solid, science-based natural therapeutics. Definitely a "must-have" for health-care practitioners.
The third edition of the Textbook of Natural Medicine is an extraordinary accomplishment. This will be seen as the moment when natural medicine truly took its place at the forefront of modern healthcare.Under the stewardship of Michael Murray and Joe Pizzorno, this edition provides guidance for practitioners and laypersons alike in the application of natural interventions in treating all manner of diseases and afflictions. As a naturopathic practitioner, I owe a debt of gratitude to Murray and Pizzorno, and to all of the contributors to this wonderful text. Such loving attention to the art and science of natural medicine must not go unrecognised.Some have critcised previous editions for a lack of scientific rigour. If one is to refer to conventional medical texts from only a generation ago, they will find significant errors and outrageous claims. For a system of medicine with little-to-no corporate or government funding, naturopathy has performed extraordinarily well to achieve its current position - where the science exists, we detail it. Where it does not, we demand it. People must realise that in corporate, profit-driven healthcare, there are aspects of natural medicine that shall likely never be researched; this does not, however, invalidate them. Individuals must decide which is the most appropriate healthcare service for them...and then partake of it.If you are a naturopathic clinician - I implore you...purchase this book. If you are a medico - invest in the future of medicine, and give yourself a head start among your colleagues. If you are a member of the public - buy this text, integrate it, and take charge of you and your family's health and destiny. Your wellness is your responsibility, and yours alone - the Textbook of Natural Medicine is here to help you realise that goal. A landmark publication for an age in desperate need of a more rational, more compassionate system of medicine.
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