Resources For Extraordinary Healing: Schizophrenia, Bipolar And Other Serious Mental Illnesses
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Sixteen million Americans (5% of our population) are crippled by serious mental illness. The numbers of mentally-disabled needing supplemental income is now 6 times what it was in 1955. After a brief assessment of our profound problems in treating mental illness, the book reveals a new, more effective and less costly paradigm to diagnose and treat the causes of emotional disturbance that has been developing in Brazil. Through compelling, engaging stories of real people, it spells out this new form of integrative mental health care that emphasizes the spiritual aspects of mental illness. It describes the new forms of diagnostics and treatment in which conventional medical doctors collaborate with spiritual healers. The stories and descriptions colorfully and definitively illustrate a practical, cost-effective system, tested and developed for more than eighty years in Brazil, that can lead patients to mental health. Resources in the USA that are similar to the model of care available in Brazil are clearly described along with contact information. All information and recommendations for further learning are well organized, making this book an excellent guide and an inspiring reference for individuals wanting to recover from emotional disturbances, their families, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, healthcare providers and students of healthcare.

Paperback: 264 pages

Publisher: Emma Bragdon (February 14, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1466340835

ISBN-13: 978-1466340831

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (11 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,663,050 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #85 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #575 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Bipolar #1375 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Holistic

The majority of us healthcare practitioners tend to be cautious about claims of amazing or miraculous healings done by those outside the conventional medical system. So, when we hear of spiritual healers such as John of God in Brazil, we tend to shut down our mental receptor sites and quickly move on to something else.Well, stop yourself from doing that this time. If you take care of people with serious mental illness, you will be richly rewarded by Emma Bragdon's compelling case histories of the effectiveness of "Spiritism." The stories demonstrate the possibility that many mental disturbances lie in our spirit and in our spirit's history over various lifetimes. Since I have personally had some unusual experiences regarding past lives, this idea caught my attention. I read the entire book and was enthralled with the beauty, compassion, power, and wisdom that shone through every page.I especially appreciate Bragdon's holistic approach. She explains not only Spiritism but also how multiple other therapies can - and must at times - play an important role in helping people with mental illness. For example, her chapter on Orthomolecular Medicine and her acknowledgement of the appropriateness at times of pharmaceuticals help give the book an authenticity regarding the importance of an integrative and holistic approach to the care of patients.Each person is a unique being when suffering with mental health problems. Therefore, each person with mental illness is better served by being treated with a wide array of distinctive and diverse modalities especially tailored for that person. It is time for the practitioners of allopathic medicine to recognize and honor that fact. Reading this book will help everyone on that journey while offering a radical new tool - the belief that our bodies and minds are reflections of the most powerful and enduring part of who we are: our spirits.Thank you, Dr. Bragdon, for an extraordinary book that needed to be written.Bill Manahan, MDAssistant Professor EmeritusDepartment of Family Medicine and Community HealthUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolMinneapolis, MinnesotaPast President, American Holistic Medical AssociationAuthor of Eat for Health: Fast and Simple Ways to Eliminate Disease without Medical Assistance

Dr. Bragdon's book is truly a unique gift to anyone searching for meaning in emotional suffering. She gives important information from many different perspectives, weaving a rich tapestry of understanding through stories, personal reflection, and research; I particularly found the motivational approach to treating addiction very fascinating. Bragdon's true story-telling abilities make this book hard to put down, and I can truly say that there is nothing like it out there. It is filled with hope, the most important medicine any of us can hope to find who are on journeys through emotional struggles. I highly encourage any and all to give it a read with an open heart.

"Resources for Extraordinary Healing" by Dr. Emma Bragdon is an important book.Emma Bragdon writes with compassion, inspiration, and an in depth knowledge of mental health communities, both traditional and innovative. She invites us to view a system of beliefs and ideas resulting in innovative practices within the mental health world. The system involves spirit; it acknowledges spirit as different and separate from matter. She proves to us, with testimony and documentation, that the system works. She invites us to move forward.Dr Bragdon points out that the scientific community treats mental health as a physical problem, relying heavily on the use of drugs. Bragdon introduces us to mental health communities in Brazil based on Spiritism, communities that recognize, honor, and treat the spirit. Her description of Spiritism is easy to read and understand; it is based on her many years of education and experience as well as the experiences of others. Emma points out that the treatment is compassionate, respectful of each individual, with a focus on the spiritual rather than the physical. Drugs can be administered but only for short periods of time and in particular cases.The last half of the book is devoted to the many resources found in the U.S.A. that support healing with a focus on body, mind, and spirit. This is a much needed guide for anyone who is searching and longing for mental wellness."Resources for Extraordinary Healing" offers to the reader an insight into the gift of healing, healing with heart. I would recommend Dr. Bragdon's book to all who are interested in moving forward.

"Resources for Extraordinary Healing" provides a unique, ground-breakingcontribution to the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders. We areundoubtedly in urgent need of an alternative strategy, as the conventionalapproach sentences patients with serious mental illness to lives unbearablycompromised by the treatment of their illnesses. The centerpiece of mainstreampsychiatric treatment in 2011 is psychoactive medication that only palliatessymptoms. It is often accompanied by such untoward and severe side-effects thatpatients feel chronically physically ill. With courage and clarity, EmmaBragdon introduces the reader to effective modalities of treatment that are veryforeign to the conventional western rational "scientific" mind. She sensitivelyanticipates how the Spiritist philosophy and methodology will strike the ear ofa mainstream reader, as the modalities she introduces posit a complete paradigmshift in our thinking about the cause of psychiatric disorder. Dr. Bragdon makesthis unfamiliar perspective accessible with simple, clear explanations and movingcase histories."

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