Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Healing Arts Press; 1 edition (November 15, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0892818913
ISBN-13: 978-0892818914
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (19 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #437,542 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #29 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #90 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Rheumatology #197 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Musculoskeletal Diseases
I have just finished reading this book, the existence of which I first discovered half a year ago. It's and easy read book with much healthy information, so to me it's a big shame that I didn't get it earlier during the past 12 years of its existence. The reason must be that I instead of Denmark now am living in Thailand and here have no libraries to visit.When I, in my search after books concerning arthritis (caused by my wife's newly started joints problems), was in , and was looking on this one, I was afraid that it was nearly only telling about what from nature to eat. And even more afraid when reading the recommendation from Thomas who besides only is given the book the character on 1. But happily in the review in , and on the back cower of the book we are getting recommendations from well known doctors and researchers, so luckily I bought a copy of this book. And after now having read the book I'm wondering what in 2009 made Thomas, put down his strange words in his recommendation. Because during my life I've always been studying, and I find this book to bee very informative, easy to read and with much new information about what scientifically are now known concerning health, but information which we always in the National Institutes of Health have had to wait for in decades. I many times went to the www address which Thomas have written, searching after many things, among other some of those mentioned in the book, but either got no result, or misleading information.In the book we are getting much interesting information, for example we have some good writings concerning enzymes. And as it here is written, that probably in the future we will get pills with enzymes, instead of the kind of molecules we now are using in the drugs/pills. And when here reading about enzymes I recalled how we during the studying years which I've been through back in the 1960s and again in the 1980s, only learned, and made research, concerning the speed of processes as result of the temperature, and nearly learning nothing about enzymes.And among other we also in the book are getting some really good information concerning oil. For example we on the side 104 read that in the 1940s farmers experimented with the use of the cheap coconut oil for fast fattening their animals. But when it was added to the animal feed, the pigs became lean! And besides concerning oil we on the side 101 are getting a drawing, for to the text helping to show the big difference in how respectively the refined oils and the organic oils are manufactured. And it shows up to bee a very big difference with nearly no manufacturing on the organic oil.And in the same chapter we also are getting "Cholesterol Debate". And concerning cholesterol, to me it looks like most doctors still are doing wrong, in any case her in Chiang Mai. But without doubt they wouldn't change their thinking, even after reading a book like this. The problem is that they only are thinking of the total not allowed higher than 200, and not looking at of what it consist, that is especially the LDL against the HDL.It's also interesting in the book to reed how the author nearly by an accident tried pills containing DHEA and found how well they worked against her pains. And in that connection we also are reading about progesterone and pregnenolone. And after having read this I will again by doctors and pharmacy start arguing for especially progesterone, as I did half a year ago, but then without luck. We don't have it in Thailand, and it's not allowed for private persons to buy manufactures like this from foreign countries!In the book we also are reminded how the traditional Western medicine did not like, and tried to stop, the doctors using, for example chiropractic and acupuncture, even though they worked, and with more success than the drugs and surgery, and then besides being cheaper. On me both the chiropractic and acupuncture also have worked. And concerning chiropractic we have 3 drawings with the skeleton, and parts of the skeleton to help in the understanding.And finally to mention one more interesting thing which I found in this book, and never before have heard about, and did not find on Thomas www address. It's concerning a kind of butter that is the ghee. On side 107, under "The Fat/Oil/Cholesterol Debate", we learn about ghee, a golden oil with a buttery taste, to be quite spreadable at room temperature. And we learn that ghee for thousands of years has been used in India, and that its lactose free, safe at food making by high temperature, long shelf life, against cancer, and so on. So I've told my wife, and other Thai persons, about the ghee, but nobody knows it, so I have to start searching, as it to me really looks interesting for using in the future.After having finish this book I'm now speculating about buying the other book by Raquel Martin, which I newer before knew about, that is: "The Estrogen Alternative", and this even though I already own a couple of books concerning estrogen. My wife got breast cancer, and this nearly without doubt coursed by the estrogen drugs given by the doctors.
Having Arthritis in my hips and both knees I was desperate for anything that would help. Changing my diet has made my life much better. I still have the arthritis but it is easier to deal with.
Have read many books on health the natural way. Still, this one told me some things I did not know. I am about 1/3rd through the book and know I will be ordering this book for my brother for general health info. Arthritis has "many fingers" and it is surprising to find out that other issues you may have are related to this illness. You truly have to fix the entire body and not just take care of the symptoms.
I Did not care for the format of the book. It made it tedious reading so I did not read much.I felt like I was reading a textbook. I did copy down in a list the vitamins and minerals and foods they are found in. That page could have been composed in a list that was more readable instead of just paragraphs.So I got some info from this book but as it was so detailed , I lost interest.
This book answered all my questions. It covers all the therapies available, plus all the recommended foods and supplements. It all makes sense. Well written. I haven't been diagnosed yet, but am sure I have RA based on the symptoms. I truly believe that recovery is possible by just listening to what the body is saying (what is the nagging pain saying, what is the headache saying, why are joints swollen), doing the research and acting on it. This book simplified my research time, and I'm on it, ordering a few products that will get me on the right track, and eliminating some bad habits with what I'm eating.
This book is a mess. On its product page it claims to be "A comprehensive self-help program", but the book explains no specific program. It lists a plethora of possible treatments for arthritis--from diets and dietary supplements to chiropractic and hormone therapies--with no strategy for determining where to start or how to proceed in figuring out which ones might be right for you. I am not even sure the author understands what arthritis is. She equates the term arthritis with any form of inflammation and explicitly states that it is caused by immune deficiency. Yet my understanding is that arthritis, or at least some of its forms, is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system is overactive or misdirected to attack one's own cartilage and bones. This book is largely another rehashing of the same old gospel of natural healing with the requisite (and admittedly somewhat deserved) lambasting of orthodox medicine. Interestingly there is no significant mention of allergies. Evidence is either anecdotal or vague. My diet has long tended toward what this book recommends, and I use many of the basic supplements suggested, yet I have arthritis in my thumbs. If this book is right, seems like that shouldn't be. This is a book for the gullible and those who seek any hope they can find. Undoubtedly some of the therapies mentioned in this book are helpful, and a few may even be miraculous, but where to start? This book cost three times what it is worth.
My struggle has been transformed into a sustained mission to get my own health back. Very affirming as I was doing some things already. It is scary when you have been a health fanatic all your life and the doctor reads your x-rays to tell you that you have osteopenia, the sudden pain and the lower level of lifting. I dip into all my recent buys to get a balance. Thank you for this book. I will not be defeated.
Excellent advice some of it I already knew or had read elsewhere and was gratified to see it in this book as well. Learned alot and started applying it right away as I was just starting a new health regime. Very pleased so far at the start of week three. I bought the book used and it was in good shape and I'm about it pass it over to the next reader who is looking forward to the content.
Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally: The Untold Story The Arthritis Helpbook: A Tested Self-Management Program for Coping with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia The New Arthritis Breakthrough: The Only Medical Therapy Clinically Proven to Produce Long-term Improvement and Remission of RA, Lupus, Juvenile RS, ... & Other Inflammatory Forms of Arthritis Reversing Gum Disease Naturally: A Holistic Home Care Program Eat to Live Cookbook: 200 Delicious Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Reversing Disease, and Lifelong Health The Fibro Fix: Get to the Root of Your Fibromyalgia and Start Reversing Your Chronic Pain and Fatigue in 21 Days Reset Your Child's Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit RITUXAN (Rituximab): Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Wegener Granulomatosis, Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA), and also treats Cancer, including Lymphoma and Leukemia Autoimmune: The Cause and The Cure (This book identifies the cause & the cure for: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Raynaud's, Rosacea, Myasthenia Gravis, Hashimoto's, Type 2 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren's, and more) Arthritis in Black and White: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 3e Caroline's No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet - Living without tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant! The Cox-2 Connection: Natural Breakthrough Treatments for Arthritis, Alzheimer's, and Cancer What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Autoimmune Disorders: The Revolutionary Drug-free Treatments for Thyroid Disease, Lupus, MS, IBD, Chronic Fatigue, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Other Diseases The Pain Relief Breakthrough: The Power of Magnets to Relieve Backaches, Arthritis, Menstrual Cramps, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sports Injuries, and More Overcoming Arthritis Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury (Levy, Occupational and Envionmental Health) The Healthiest Diet on the Planet: Why the Foods You Love-Pizza, Pancakes, Potatoes, Pasta, and More-Are the Solution to Preventing Disease and Looking and Feeling Your Best Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury