La Medicina Natural Al Alcance De Todos
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La especialidad de este libro se concentra en dos premisas: El desequilibrio termino corporal es condicion de todo enfermo, en grado variable y no hay enfermo sin fiebre. Porque segun el autor, es la fiebre y no el microbio, el enemigo de la salud humana. Su eliminacion de las entranas es condicion indispensable para gozar de normalidad, es decir, de salud corporal plena y creativa.

Paperback: 458 pages

Publisher: Kier (1999)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 9501712117

ISBN-13: 978-9501712117

Product Dimensions: 1 x 6.8 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,532,999 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #43 in Books > Libros en español > Ciencia > Referencia #79 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #135 in Books > Libros en español > Medicina > Alternativa e Integral

I have read this book five years ago, great thanks to my wife. If you can read Spanish - read this gem, this book in English does not exist.I had enlarged colon and went to three different doctors who were saying the same thing and prescribing the same drugs which weren't helping, then I read this book... I have not had a stomach pain since... I have not had a cold, a flu or even high temperature in five years as well - I forgot what the words doctor and pill mean. I feel great and I have a lot of energy. This book has changed my life; it can change yours too...Traditional medicine is a scam - it is a business to make money and they do not care about your health!In a nutshell: Manuel Lezaeta Alcharan lived in the first half of 20th century and is a legend in Chile because he has cured many terminal patients. His "thermal body doctrine" as he calls it, is based on three main principles: first - our stomachs are not made to process meat and different types of processed food; second - our skin is the third lung and a third kidney and it plays a major role in eliminating toxins from the body; third - `the thermal doctrine" - the way body regulates the temperatures inside and outside.He was studying medicine in Chile when he got very sick - gonorrhea, which was incurable at that time. He stopped studying and went around the country one last time and was getting ready to die when he met a German monk - Padre Tadeo de Wisent, who cured him in two month and whose methods are based on works of great German doctors: Priessnitz, Kneipp, Kuhne, Rikli and Just. Manuel stayed with the priest for nine years and learned his ways... He went back to study afterwards, but not to finish his career as a doctor - to become a lawyer.

In 1980 I had an extremely serious gastrointestinal problem. Acute gastritis with a bleeding ulcer. I went to different doctors in the US and Mexico to no avail. The medications would temporarily cure the symptoms but not the cause. I went to visit my folks in Mexico and got worse while I was down there. I could not even go out of the house without feeling weak and dizzy. An old lady selling plants door to door saw me and told my mother of a clinic in the town of El Grullo in the state of Jalisco which was 45 minutes away. She said that it was a natural medicine clinic. To make a long story short this clinic use their curing methods based on this publication which is like bible to them. One month later I was disease free and living a healthy life which traditional medicine had been unsuccessful in treating and with no indication or trace of my gastrointestinal disease.It is important to make a reference to the fact that when I was interned at the clinic, a priest was taken in a glass coffin-like box with oxygen and barely alive. He had an extreme lung illness that prevented him from even breathing the very oxygen in the atmosphere and thus connected to an oxygen machine that circulated within the glass coffin-like box he was in. When I left the clinic a month later the priest was up and around walking..with aid..but alive and recovering very well indeed.To this day I still use the methods in this publication and have used them on my family with great success.Our "modern" way of life and diet is the cause of ALL of our health problems and traditional medicine is inept in successfully treating them.This book reveals a simple truth. Man was made to follow natures path in lifestyle and diet.

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