File Size: 1969 KB
Print Length: 60 pages
Publication Date: December 2, 2010
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #146,825 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Art > Instruction & Reference > Business of Art #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Graphic Design > Design > Decorative #60 in Books > Arts & Photography > Business of Art
This book is helpful but it should come with a warning that what you are buying is mostly links to websites and articles previously written about the subject. In some ways that is good as it send you to government sites to file application for trademark and copyrights but at other times it makes you wish you hadn't paid for the book and had just googled your topic.Over all it's an inexpensive book that gives you a good start on the subject.
This is not one of the most well-organized books you can find.But it is understandable becuase it contains lots of useful links.Make sure you check out them. They are worth reading (at leastsome of them). If you feel tired doing the research from scratch,get this book and save some time by knowning where to look on the web.If you're already a reader of blogs published by well-established artistswho license their artwork and attending workshops, you can skip this book.
This quick read is so full of resources and websites to visit for more information. The lists of potential buyers alone is worth more than the kindle fee. This is the perfect tool to help get you excited about marketing and selling your own art and is definitely a great beginning to your own research. Thanks to Kate Harper for sharing her experience with these 20 steps, giving artists a starting point for selling.
Kate Harper has found a way to make a living by doing what she loves. She proves that you don't have to be a "starving artist", but the business of art requires a huge amount of preparation, persistence and support. This booklet provides 20 steps to art licensing and offers many links to Internet sites that have more information for art professionals.This is a quick read but there is a wealth of information in this booklet. The steps begin with acquiring basic information about the art business;Take an art licensing class.Read books ~ The author recommends three "Must Read" books that will give artists much-needed foundation information.Read trade magazines and blogs ~ The author lists dozens of publications that provide valuable information.Ms. Harper also gives the following steps for artists who are well on their way to art licensing success:Get an attorney and learn about copyrights. You need someone who does artists contracts.Look into agents. The author provides several links that help you decide if you need an agent and how to choose the right person.Finding companies to work with. Ms. Harper provides the names and contact information for dozens of companies that make greeting cards and gift items.I found the whole concept that a freelance artist can sell her designs to big companies very interesting. I have been making handmade greeting cards for my friends and family for several years but I never thought about creating original designs and selling them. This booklet is informative and inspiring.JanetteFuller.Com
At first I though 20 steps sounded like a lot but with so few books out there I decided to give this one a try. To my surprise Ms. Harper has written a really concise, easy to follow guide that gave me some much needed clarity about what my first steps should be in setting myself up as a serious licensing artist. Now where I once struggled to decide what my first goals should be they seem to be revealing themselves. The best part is that this book can be used beyond the first steps of my portfolio work as a reference for articles and websites that I probably would have never found on my own.She gives advice on when to use a lawyer, what to do about copyright infringement and how to develop a physical portfolio specific to the gift and card industry that I haven't read anywhere else.From one artist/writer to another, thank you for writing this book!
This book was good as my first read for how to market my photographs. It offers a generous amount of resources, that will literally keep me busy, for hours, months, even years. There is a lot to learn about this subject, and the book offers much information to study, and action steps to be taken in order. I believe by the end of this process, if not before, I'll be in business.
This book title implies some actual instruction that enables the reader to sell their artwork. It seems to fall short of actually empowering the reader, and long in lists and suggestions to further spend money and time.More of what a guidance counselor might say than an actual teacher. I really hoped for more .
I have purchased several of Kate Harper's books as I have worked with my sister to promote her art and her greeting card line. Her advice is to the point, loaded with great links, and has served as a tremendous resource as we forge ahead. Armed with a great background, we plan to attend the National Stationery Show as a first-time exhibitor (A Different Card). Thanks Kate!
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