Biomechanics And Esthetic Strategies In Clinical Orthodontics
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This text provides state-of-the-art reference on the successful application of biomechanics in clinical orthodontics. It features comprehensive guidance on basic biomechanic principles to orthodontic problem resolution by focusing on the fundamentals. Also including new, cutting edge topics, this book shows how all techniques can apply biomechanical principles to improve the force delivery, understand and prevent side effects, and achieve predictable results.Full-color illustrations help the reader visualize and grasp key concepts.Line drawings accompany clinical photos to clarify important information and techniques.Chapters are organized from the most common to least common orthodontic problems, creating an easy-to-follow layout that makes the topics easy to find.Inclusion of cutting edge topics such as skeletal anchorage, esthetic concepts, interdisciplinary treatment, biomechanical factors, biology of tooth movement, and management of orthodontic problems presents current trends in orthodontics.Information on the latest advances in the use, selection, and properties of orthodontic wires exhibits all viable options for important decision-making.Comprehensive coverage of diagnosis, treatment planning, and biomechanical strategies provides knowledge of how to apply specific mechanisms to specific problems.Simplified approach makes biomechanics easy to understand and implement.Presentation of nonextraction treatment modalities explains how to use headgear, Herbst appliances, memory alloy springs, and other methods to yield predictable results.Solid information on treating malocclusion shows readers how simple changes in arch wire bending can greatly improve tooth movement quality.

Hardcover: 400 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition (April 25, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0721601960

ISBN-13: 978-0721601960

Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.8 x 0.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,124,206 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #60 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Dentistry > Orthodontics #119 in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Orthodontics #4321 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Bioengineering

It's a great book. I recommend it to Orthoresidents. Although parts of the information is repeated in other major texts, it still has many things to offer. I also enjoyed reading the chapters on esthetics. Every orthodontist should own this book

A good book about biomechanic applications + esthetics for ortho residents. e.g application of intrusion arch and preventing it's side effects, fixed functional appliances, space closing mechanics, facemask therapy, skeletal anchorage are some chapters existing in this book

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