The Art Of Crossing Cultures, 2nd Edition
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Whether in business, education, or diplomacy, anyone can be blindsided by a lack of international experience. In this expanded edition, The Art of Crossing Cultures shows what it takes to encounter a new culture head-on and succeed. Through the writings of the world's greatest thinkers, Craig Storti paints a portrait of the challenges and triumphs of adjusting to another culture.

Paperback: 228 pages

Publisher: Nicholas Brealey; 2nd edition (September 12, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1931930538

ISBN-13: 978-1931930536

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (15 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #39,297 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Travel > Specialty Travel > Business Travel #7 in Books > Business & Money > International > Exports & Imports #29 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance > International Business

This book remains a great source of wisdom and comfort, still needed after 15 years living abroad. The cultural differences aren't obvious any longer -- they can be deceptively subtle -- now that language and the daily facts of life are no longer an issue. However, I still trip over matters which I later realize to be cultural differences, and I assume others in similar situations do as well. And then I pull down Mr. Storti's book from the shelf and put it all into some sort of workable perspective.Highly recommended to others, even those who have no intention of going abroad but would just like to have a better understanding of the cultural differences in this world -- something sorely needed these days.By the way, Western women so quick to judge the 'sad' reality of women in Arab societies might do well to read this quotation from Harriet Martineau:"[The women of the harem] pitied us European women heartily, that we had to go about travelling, and appearing in the streets without being properly taken care of -- that is, watched. They think us strangely neglected in being left so free, and boast of [how closely they are watched] as a token of the value in which they are held."It should be a sobering reminder that it's a fools' game to judge, and certainly to pity, the reality of a person from a culture foreign to ours.Thank you for your efforts and insights, Mr. Storti.

I am a totally way-too-confident, know-it-all travel partner, but I admit to having lost it while living in Eastern Europe last year with my husband (not his fault). Simply put: this book kept me from going home early SEVERAL times because Storti lets you moan and groan a little and then points out how you might have had a part in creating the cultural "misunderstanding" that plagues you. Trust me...if this book could help someone as stubborn as I might be responsible for world peace someday.

Using humorous anecdotes, this book gives the reader a framework for adapting to other cultures, not a step-by-step guide to "here's what to take the hostess in Bulgaria." The stories of British colonists in India may seem irrelevant if a reader is looking for that level of detail, but they do present basic guidelines that are applicable to any culture in the world. I would recommend this as one book among many that a person should read prior to moving to an overseas assignment.

This is a good basic introduction to cross cultural communication for the novice. If you have lived in a foreign culture for 5 or more years like I have, however, you might want to look for something more in depth. But if you are be beginner, and want to know how to get along with someone from a foreign culture for business or pleasure, by all means get this book.

It's been over 15 years, but I can still remember passages from this book vividly as I read and re-read them before and during my three years in South America. The strategies and perspective offered in this book can truly make the difference between a happy, successful overseas stint and an emotional disaster. I saw many of my colleagues fall into the very traps discussed in the book (hanging out only with the expat community, refusing to learn the language, belittling the local community, overindulging in drink), which led to many unhappy experiences. Living abroad is difficult - educate yourself and arrive prepared. The reader of this book will not only learn to cope, but will be awakened to the true value of the cross-cultural experience: learning to see the world a new way, and thus becoming a new person.

I found Storti's approach extremely useful. I'm a clinical psychologist (and a ATCK) and I found interesting how he used psychological tips without falling into psych terms. Storti's approach is clear and interesting in the sense that you can build other perspectives into what he says. I definitely recommend reading the book to anyone who is exposed to a cross-cultural situation.What did I not like? Book citations... as with many other intercultural sources the authors go back to years people from my age (37) find not that easy to relate to.

I have been an expatriate myself and i found the book extremely effective and well written, and most important: easy to read. I think everybody should read it before expatriating to avoid the first, most of the time negative, impact with another culture. The author makes you really understand the most common feelings, mistakes and fault you may do once you move in a new country, new culture. Most of all, he makes you understand how rich and full of challenge is an experience in another country. I think that most of the expatriates do not even acknowledge how brave they are in living in a different culture. However the book is useful for everybody, as our world is more and more crossing cultures oriented.

This book is very useful for the working ESL teacher. We have about 50% Chinese students in our classrooms at the university of Kansas. The anecdotes and examples in the book enlighten us about the more subtle behaviors of the Chinese culture in terms of learning style. The educational programs in China are very much "writing" based. The students also "memorize" as a learning tool. Therefore, getting them to speak out in class, converse in small groups is often quite difficult. Craig Storti has "Been there done that", so I appreciated his sharing with me.

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