Day Trading: Day Trading For Beginners - Options Trading And Stock Trading Explained: Day Trading Basics And Day Trading Strategies (Do's And Don'ts And The Small Letters) - 3rd Edition
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Welcome to your first guide on Day Trading!Free bonus inside! (Right After Conclusion) - Get limited time offer, Get your BONUS right NOW!*****THIRD EDITION*****Have you ever been interested in the stock market?Are you curious as to how it works?Would you like to know how you can trade in stocks and bonds from the comfort of your home?Are you an investor looking for a new way to invest your money?Do you like taking risks with high rewards?If you can answer yes to one of these statements then Day Trading for Beginners is the book for you.Day trading is just one of the many ways to invest in commodities on different stock markets, and this book promises to introduce you to some of the ways you can invest your money wisely.From stocks to currency to options, learn how with day trading you can invest in all these things and more, while in the comfort of your own home.With Day Trading for Beginners you shall be introduced to the joys of day trading, and be given a glimpse of what it would be like to jump in to the ocean that is the stock market.Whether you are an investor or just a curious soul, this book is sure to leave you wiser about the investment opportunities that there are on the stock market and how to take advantages of them.Day Trading for Beginners promises to give you a walkthrough on the history of exchanges like the NYSE and the NASDAQ and how they have changed in the last 50 years to accommodate new technologies and new styles of trade.In this book you shall discover the different legislation changes that have been made by the SEC that allowed the NYSE and the NASDAQ to adapt to the growing climate.You shall be introduced to Electronic Communications Networks and find out what the ECNs role in today’s stock market.This book shall introduce you to terms that will help you when it comes to your investment. Terms like ‘Trend’ and ‘Trend Following’, ‘Scalping’ and ‘Range Trading’You will learn about when the best times to trade in a particular commodity are, get tips on how to trade in different commodities, and insights into how and why certain traders fail in their trade objectives.By reading this book, you will be further educated on what you need to do to start trading in your own home, including the kind of equipment you use. You will be educated on why it is important to have the proper equipment for the job, and why getting sub-standard equipment is bad.You will also find out why it is so important to have a monitor array and a fast internet connection, and why it is important to have a back up machine for your day trading machine.Day Trading for Beginners is sure to be a valuable asset, especially for those who would like to have a wider understanding of all the things that are possible on the security exchange market.So if you want to learn more about Day Trading, or you just want to put a bit of extra money in the bank, this book is for you. ***Limited Edition***Download your copy today!

File Size: 1500 KB

Print Length: 118 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: May 1, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #61,649 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Commerce #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > E-commerce > Online Trading #21 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Online Trading

This book is well written, very informative and has what seems to me all the information a person needs to get started with stock trading. The author covers trading strategies, how to analyze a stock, how to read the stock charts and much more.The author shares a lot of useful information and he explains them all perfectly. This book will be good for people who like to invest and make money online; it is indeed a very informative book with a lot of useful knowledge to learn. I highly recommend this book to all the people who want to learn day trading strategies and make some profit.

I have always been a fan of online businesses, and more about stocks and trade markets like Forex. That’s is why I came across this book/guide which I think it’s excellent because it gives you a lot of info about the risks and mistakes that you can make when you “play” at home with your computer at this business, but also gives you the tools and options to success and make some money on your own. I got this book in a good promotion and I have to say that it has 184 pages full of info to make you feel secure about all the markets and trades going on online. I especially like the chapter 7; I don’t know why I found interesting the world of livestock, commodities, government bonds or just a regular company stock.

For a beginner in day trading activities, this book is a good piece to crave information. It’s my first time to hear of Day Trading but I am very interested in investing to Stock Market although I do not understand how it works that’s why I’m doing my own research hoping to learn a bit. This book also explains option trading very clearly. This book describes day trading techniques and basic strategies. I read a lot of books about investing and I found it complicated. It is very detailed and very understandable. It has all the information I want to know. Very helpful book. This book is highly recommended to anyone who wants to start day trading. Thanks.

I am a definite beginner at investing and day trading, and this book helped me avoid terrible pitfalls that most beginning investors fall into. They made it extremely clear as to what means what. If you follow this book you will be well on your way making a profit through day trading. I recommend this book to anyone looking to make a full time income or a few extra bucks from making money through investing!

Loved the thorough detail: felt the thrill of day trading as I read! Tomb could have used more grammar check as sometimes I had to re read to get the gist of what was written. All in all it was a quick study, and would be recommended to all with an interest. Three out of five stars given for the reasons stated above.

The concept of day trading is very promising as far as my online trading activity is concerned. Actually, I have incurred some losses in my online trading endeavor but this has not prevented me in exploring other options. My intuition that I can recover such losses has kicked out more perseverance from myself. I still feel positive about online trading and I am not giving up. With all these day trading strategies and more diligence on my part, I think everything will pave the way towards a successful online trading. After reading this book, I feel more confident now on embarking again this exciting journey of online trading.

The author has included detailed explanations of his trading styles. These are not just ideas, but practical applications of himself. He expresses his thoughts in a concise and easy to understand manner, the trading habits he introduced are stuff which a beginner trader should definitely learn. I recommend this book!The concepts are simple enough to understand but you would need practice spotting and implementing them in the markets, especially in a real time live trading environment. I don't think the book is written for total beginners, but certainly intermediate or experienced day traders could get a lot from this book that would help you become a more consistent and profitable trader.

I highly recommend buying this book, checking out his website, and watching all of his videos. Everyday he posts a mid day market recap video that goes over the trades of the day and explains all the nuts and bolts that made the trades run. This book contains everything he talks about and practices day in and day out in his chat room. I will be re-reading this book many times, I am sure, on my journey to becoming a successful trader. Another favorite of mine is the chapter reminding about mental and emotional effects of day trading to an individual, and a good reminder not to neglect other aspects of your life once you get into day trading.

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