Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: LWW; Eighth edition (December 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781751543
ISBN-13: 978-0781751544
Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.1 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (6 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,244,498 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #88 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Histology #148 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Chiropractic #165 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Histology
This was a required textbook for my Neuroscience courses in chiropractic school, and it suited me very well (I'd say even better than the other required textbook). Now, in undergrad I was never one to really use the textbook (the professors only ever ask questions based on things they actually say, right?), but in this case I had an amazing professor and the book was helpful in making me understand the information even better.
This text was assigned by my Neuro prof for Neuroanatomy in medical school. It is dense, hard to read through, and is not an enjoyable read by any stretch. Use this book as a reference, but for a much better read, go for Lange neuro board review book.
very dense and hard to read text. If you are a beginner in neuroanatomy this would not be a good book for you. It is more of a review instead of a primary source for learning neuroanatomy
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