Parasitology For Medical And Clinical Laboratory Professionals (Medical Lab Technician Solutions To Enhance Your Courses!)
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PARASITOLOGY FOR MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANS is the ideal text to guide readers in understanding the background, source, recovery, and identification of a well-representative range of organisms that commonly affect humans. This book organizes a complex set of topics into an understandable and easy-to-read format that will help readers learn more about parasitic infections and how to effectively collect and prepare samples, aiding in the diagnosis of parasitosis. The subtle differences between similar parasitic organisms are all explained in a simple and easily understood manner, increasing the likelihood that readers will be able to recover the parasites, prepare them for identification and, subsequently, ensure effective treatment.

Series: Medical Lab Technician Solutions to Enhance Your Courses!

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 1 edition (February 22, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1435448162

ISBN-13: 978-1435448162

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 2.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,586,364 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #53 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Parasitology #105 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Infectious Disease > Parasitology #336 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Medical Technology

There is a wealth of information in this textbook. Unlike many of the others, it is written to gain and maintain the interest of the reader. The book is not organized into dry areas of endless descriptions of organisms, but after providing history of parasitology and background data, it delves into the medical ramifications of being infected with parasitic organisms. It is organized logically into the various areas of the human body, and the most common organisms encountered, based on morphological characteristics of the organisms.Overall the book is good and the information is provided for the learner to master the basics of human parasitology. Some parts are not laid out as clearly or in the same manner as other books on this topic, but as one progresses into the book, the organization begins to make more sense. There are some major species that are not covered, but these are generally those that are seldom encountered. The book reasonably concluded with basic concentration and identification procedures, and my class particularly enjoyed the expansive treatment of vector-borne organisms that are not normally found in parasitology textbooks. This is particularly important as a number of organisms normally confined to less developed areas of the world are rapidly encroaching on areas that have not traditionally been affected by many of these organisms.I thought this book was reasonably well organized well and easy to follow. The questions provided were helpful and were of a basic use to assess the understanding of the students. Some of the case studies in the book are really fun to explore for the students. Overall, the book was helpful and I feel it could be a good tool for the beginning student of clinical laboratory medicine.

While there is good information in the textbook, the organization of the material and the organisms to be taught leaves a lot to be desired. Key organisms are not discussed or are not discussed as they are classically taught. Some of the information is not discussed in enough detail. For instance, all of the Entamoebas are not together within the chapter. The book discusses all of Sarcomastigophora together in one chapter as opposed to breaking it down into the amoeba in one chapter with anatomical comparisons, and then the flagellates and ciliates in a separate chapter with anatomical comparisons. This same chapter discussing amoeba, flagellates, and ciliates is also used to discuss Cryptosporidium, Isospora, and Microsporidia, while omitting Cyclospora and Sarcocystis. Another chapter attempts to cover the Trypanosomes, Leishmaniasis (does not cover all medically important species), Babesiosis (does not cover all medically important species), Malaria, filarial nematodes, and tissue parasites. In an effort to condense the chapter, much was left out. I'm only at mid-term teaching from this text, and the students and I are very disappointed with it. The students claim to get more from my lecture notes and the on-line sites I encourage them to review, and several have honestly confessed they haven't opened the text book after reading the first 3 chapters, because it has added nothing to their ability to gain the necessary knowledge for being successful in the clinical parasitology laboratory.

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