Study Guide For Gould's Pathophysiology For The Health Professions, 5e
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Master the content from your textbook with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 5th Edition, by Karin VanMeter and Robert Hubert, this study guide helps you understand and apply the material with practical exercises, activities, and review questions.Learning activities provide a variety of ways to assess your knowledge or identify areas for further study, including labeling exercises, matching exercises on important terminology, application questions that apply to more complex situations, crossword puzzles, and compare/contrast completion charts.The answer key for all of the activities is provided at the end of the study guide.Use of the text’s authorial team, Karin VanMeter and Robert Hubert, ensures that content in the study guide is cohesive and consistent with text content. NEW! Labeling activities challenge you to identify or match a definition or concept with a familiar illustration from the text.UPDATED chapters reflect the text’s logical, systematic approach.

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 5 edition (January 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0323240860

ISBN-13: 978-0323240864

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.6 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (17 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #23,562 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #14 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Pathology #22 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Pathophysiology #156 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Pathology

This is such a unique tool. The questions are very challenging and make you have to really know the material, and there is an answer key in the back so you can check your work. I appreciate this study guide over others I have had because it is challenging. Sometimes they feel like just an outline of the book and I feel like I wasted my money. This one is great. It's affordable and I highly suggest getting it if you are studying pathophysiology on a deep level.

The study guide was not helpful at all. It may be different for some but eventhough it has a good bit of examples, my professor never asked or required anything that the guide covered. The book is sufficient. Save your money and just get the book only.

Great content review of the textbook, guides you through learning goals as expected using cross word puzzles and fill in tables. Answer keys at the end of book are concise and easy to understand.

Study guide helped a little for my class but didn't focus enough into the deeper details of the disorders in Pathophysiology. Felt more like A&P review.

First chapter crossword scale was wrong but that is it so far is a good way for me to learn and retain more information as my class is going on.

Honestly, any help is good, but only buy if you know you will have the extra time to use it, if not, don't wast your money.

This is the study guide to the book I bought above. I'm glad I bought this one, too. Thanks, Judy Nosek

Man was this delivered quickly. The item is even better than we had imagined....thank you!

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