Paperback: 592 pages
Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (December 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416029451
ISBN-13: 978-1416029458
Product Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (24 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #510,588 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #41 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Histology #71 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Histology #850 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Anatomy
This textbook has a variety of excellent images, including photomicrographs, diagrams, and electron micrographs. Clinical correlations are included in boxes that stand out from the text. Key words are highlighted. Tables are well done and the text is very easy to read. Powerpoint presentations for the chapters can be found on-line for users of the text.I liked the paperback binding and the quality of the paper.The only disappointment I had was in trying to confirm a statement and I found no reference citations. Unless the authors did the research themselves, the statement should have been referenced.
Great textbook! I find it offers sufficiently comprehensive explanations, and even what I would consider review of material that should already be known before reading this textbook.The textbook has great pictures, but I wish they were printed in slightly higher resolution, or bigger pictures.
The micrographs and illustrations are lush and colorful but do not correlate with the text at all. It's as if Gartner and Hiatt have adapted the better illustrations from previously used textbooks. The information is dense but only useful if you've already been introduced to the subject. If you are new to histology, you will be hopelessly confused. Furthermore, the figures will be useless because they are not labelled and not explained in the text.
This book is really one of the best textbooks of Histology I have ever seen and if you exclude (NMS Histology,concise and not well illustrated ) ,you won't find (as a medical student) such a comprehensive,organised,well illustrated textbook of Histology.However,you will need to buy a good atlas of Histology along with the book simply because the book is not an atlas. One of the features that I liked very much in the book is the simple coloured hand-drawn pictures which simplify the real microscopic slides very much and make them easier to understand and to draw. Another feature is that the book along with the histology text has also physiology, gross anatomy notes as well as clinical correlations in an integrated way so that you do not need to refer to other textbooks in Anatomy and physiology to correlate it with histology text. During my histology course , I did not need to refer any other book in histology (except to NMS Histology to some bits which I did not find detailed info about it in the book).It is really good book and I recommend to you as a textbook and reference (Especially if your course involves detailed knowledge about the material).
This is probably one of my favorite biology text books. The photographs are well done and well placed (there is a lot of them, which is important to a histology course) and the text can be understood with minimum anatomy background.
Definitely a great book. Solid information. I bought this book for my histology classes in medical school. The only thing is that many of the pictures and descriptions are of animal (mice, monkeys, etc) histology, not human.
I used this in my medical masters and at the time I thought it was too much information but I also didn't know anything - so I just blamed my own ignorance.But now I am in medical school and looking back through this book, there is a lot of useless information for the aspiring medically minded student. Ton of stuff about animals... cool but who cares?Goes into too much detail about certain things - let's say synovial fluid where it goes into the each and every molecule present in synovial fluid. I am in medical school and even my professors didn't ask me to know these details.Then there is the pedagogy which is poor probably because it tries too hard to convey a lot of information. There is no story, no overarching themes, nothing. Quality>Quantity.Look elsewhere for a histology book, my friends.
I don't what's wrong with the rest of you given saying this book is the best ever. Obviously, you have never read it. This book is the most poorly written text I have ever read. It mentions one thing and continues to explain it three pages later. It contradicts itself and is overly verbose. Often times, it is too confusing to follow the logic of the text. Whoever wrote this book should re-evaluate the people it is directed towards and rewrite it.
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