The Penguin Guide To The United States Constitution: A Fully Annotated Declaration Of Independence, U.S. Constitution And Amendments, And Selections From The Federalist Papers
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A unique and handy guide to the law of land from one of America's most esteemed constitutional scholars. Known across the country for his appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Professor Richard Beeman is one of the nation's foremost experts on the United States Constitution. In this book, he has produced what every American should have: a compact, fully annotated copy of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and amendments, all in their entirety. A marvel of accessibility and erudition, the guide also features a history of the making of the Constitution with excerpts from The Federalist Papers and a look at crucial Supreme Court cases that reminds us that the meaning of many of the specific provisions of the Constitution has changed over time.

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Penguin Books; 1 edition (August 31, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0143118102

ISBN-13: 978-0143118107

Product Dimensions: 4.2 x 0.6 x 7.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (229 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #13,861 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #3 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Political Science > Reference #9 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Political Science > Political Ideologies #9 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Political Science > Constitutions

This version is annotated by Richard Beeman, a genuine, non-ideological constitutional scholar. It is NOT the right wing/Skousen/LDS version described in many of the critical comments. For some reason, has applied the same set of comments to multiple versions of the Constitution, which makes it virtually impossible to determine which ones are worth buying - and reading.This version is well worth buying and reading, and reading again. In addition to the text of the original documents, it offers excellent historical context including a discussion of how the various articles and amendments have been interpreted by courts (not ideologues) through the years. It's a very valuable resource.UPDATE: In a comment to this review, RedRocks explains that if you try to order the paperback version of this Penguin guide, you'll actually get the Skousen/LDS version instead. (My brother confirmed this.) Kindle orders get the correct Penguin version. needs to correct this - RedRocks has complained about it before but has done nothing.

Having just quickly perused all 44 pages of this USA e-book, just want to point out that this version of The United States Constitution is not annotated. It does have an excellent live index, very useful.

I can't remember when, or even if, I read through the Constitution before. Whatever the case, I knew I had to read it now and get to know it.After several false starts on other versions (a downloaded copy, an iPod app, the appendix of a book on politics), I have finally read it through with actual pleasure using this book. The secret is getting the text in short bursts, with the author breaking in to explain it section by section. It really helps to learn the "why" at the same time as learning the "what." I could digest it in small bites, and really understand what I was reading, so I didn't need to re-read things over and over which I have a tendency to do if I don't grasp the concept.This book is short but packed with good material. It includes the Declaration of Independence (also broken into sections and explained), a sampling of the Federalist Papers, a few brief chapters on the history of what happened before, during, and after the writing of the Constitution, and a section on important Supreme Court decisions and how they tie in to the Constitution. I feel like I took a quick refresher course in Political Science after reading this through.A couple of the author's opinions slip in here and there, and he seems to lean a wee bit to the left, but it's nothing you haven't already heard from your schoolteachers. There's nothing in here that should prevent anyone with any particular ideology from using this book to gain plenty of straightforward knowledge about the origins of our country. I would like to add that the publishing quality is superb - the paper is the very white, acid-free kind that will last long on your bookshelf, which was wise to use in the kind of book that will be useful to refer to repeatedly over the years.

This book is essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand our Constitution and the various contemporary controversies regarding its interpretation. It consists of annotated texts of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, followed by slightly abridged versions of three of the most insightful Federalist Papers, followed by a concise history of the genesis, ratification, and early implementation of the Constitution. The author is a recognized expert on the history of the United States and the Constitution. The book is clear, well written, and to the point. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in political theory, government, the history of the United States, and constitutional law.

This is the only copy of the constitution that is free and contains all the amendments.The amendments are very important.

I studied American History in High School 60 years ago and I have read the Constitution at least 3 times. I am overwhelmed every time that I read it or do any studying regarding this Document. I have served in the Armed Services of the United States and swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. I hold a Purple heart with two bronze clusters. I was shot down in my Helicopter in Vietnam and while recovering in the hospital, I heard someone say that they thought the Constitution was a" tired old rag" Rage swelled up in me but I kept my mouth shut. You should have been in that hospital ward and see the wounded trying to get out of bed to beat the crap out of that fellow. I served 38 years in Law Enforcement and swore an oath to Support and Defend the Constitution. I'm 76 years of age and if asked to serve again to support that Document and the Flag it represents, I would do so in a heart beat.

In troubling times, one can always reference the wisdom of our founding Fathers! I sure appreciate having this copy saved on my phone, and the ease of which I can pull up items. I read, re-read and read yet again, trying to understand how we are getting to where we are right now...Makes one wonder, for sure!!

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