Sidman's Neuroanatomy: A Programmed Learning Tool (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins))
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Sidman's Neuroanatomy: A Programmed Learning Tool, Second Edition is an innovative combined neuroanatomy text and review that covers the structure of the entire nervous system. Its unique programmed learning approach allows students to easily retain information and learn at their own pace by slowly building on previously learned concepts throughout each chapter.The programmed learning approach introduces new information and reviews previously learned information by presenting it in new contexts, calling attention to important details and illustrating steps in a reasoning process. This learning method adds to and reinforces the student's understanding and retention of neuroanatomical knowledge.This edition features updated illustrations, a systems-based organization, and new concepts on the cerebellum, extrapyramidal pathways, special sensory pathways, diencephalon, ventricular system, and vascular anatomy. Terminology has been updated to conform to Terminologia Anatomica.

Series: Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)

Spiral-bound: 656 pages

Publisher: LWW; Second edition (November 27, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0781765684

ISBN-13: 978-0781765688

Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 1.2 x 10.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (41 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #112,189 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #18 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Chiropractic #32 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Chiropractic #72 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Neuroscience

I am in medical school and I sit through many long complicated dissertations on subjects such as this one. Unfortunately, most professors and most textbook authors may know a lot about the subject they teach, but they really have no clue how to teach. They make the subject more complicated and more difficult than it is, and worse, they don't present it the way people think. They just stand there and blast you with random information. It ends up being a large garbled mess that the student then has to figure out and teach himself.This book actually sets up the information in a logical order, starts at the beginning and progresses in a systematic fashion to the end. It doesn't jump around like professors and other books like to do. It Explains things simply and concisely and reintroduces previously learned knowledge all in an interactive style to keep you engaged and thinking.Another thing I like about this book is that the figures referred to in the text are on the same page as the text referring to them, not five pages ahead or behind.In short, this book is saving my butt in Neuroanatomy.

This is an AMAZING book. It's like a workbook, which is exactly what you need if you have problems memorizing really random names and picturing a 3D object through only 2D pictures. If you work with this book you're very well off to take exams (better than you think) and more importantly you get to KNOW the human brain like a house - by walking through its rooms. This is the one book that worked for me way better than anything else (and I tired texts, all the Netter's, computer based stuff, simple. . . .). I wish I'd had this for my neuro class, but at least I have it now before my boards.There are some errors in the text, due to it being a first edition. But they're usually minimal and if you're going along with everything you can spot them no problem.I WISH they had a programmed learning tool for anatomy and pharm - my other bad subjects that require only memorization.

The kindle version of this book is a disaster. Lines for fill-in-the-blank questions are missing in so many places that even if you are familiar with the material you will not always know when an answer is expected of you. This was such an endemic problem throughout the book that I would estimate there were hundreds of affected questions overall.Another problem: unlike the paper version of this book, the answers are all consolidated together at the end of the chapter rather than provided after every few questions, making it difficult to go back and forth to check your answers as you go along. (Try it on a kindle app; it gets very annoying after a few chapters.) Regular feedback is key to working your way through the questions, so lumping all the answers at the end of each chapter compromises the effectiveness of this book as a learning tool.Because of the way the kindle app works, questions were routinely cut off from their diagrams, requiring you to to flip back and forth to see both the question and relevant diagram. Again, this gets tedious very quickly, and it's a problem the authors should have foreseen when adapting this book to the kindle format.After two weeks, I gave up on using the kindle book and just switched to the paper version. The only advantage of the kindle version over the paper version is that you can search for specific terms in the kindle version, but keep in mind, too, that the searches are not exhaustive since they will not include text given in diagrams or images. Save your money and just buy the paper version.

A methodology that more books should follow. Facilitates memorization, the illustrations facilitate a tridimentional understanding. In my case, as resident in neurosurgery, was helpful as review for the study of microsurgical anatomy. Great way to finally understand neuroanatomy!

This book is a great overview/ review of neuroanatomy. The best way to use it is to do it before your class (we have neuroanatomy this quarter, and I did most of it during the Christmas break). If not, then you should try and finish it within the first three weeks of class. Otherwise you probably won't have time to finish it during the quarter since classes take over your life then. Also, remember it's not a textbook, so you still need to get a good neuro text. It takes approximately 36 hours to complete, and definitely helped to make neuroanatomy a lot easier!

Some will criticize this book for being too basic. It's not. It builds from the basics to everything you need to know for medical school neuroanatomy. I normally like text formats over outline formats in my med school books, this book is neither. It has it's own unique, interactive format that I wish more books used. Then again, it would be too easy to learn to be a doctor if all med school books were written like this. Again, do not mistake simplicity for inadequacy. I'm now a first year resident and I have a tear in my eye as I sell this book.

I bought this book because a mentor let me borrow the original version (from the 60s) which is only "volume 1". I was excited to be buying an updated edition of the book that supposedly had the whole nervous system!However. This is not the original. The new authors took the original idea (programmed learning) and bastardized it... Basically, it's just a massive fill-in-the-blank. It's not even laid out like the old one, where you can just flip the page to the next page to see the answer, then again to see the next question, and so forth. Rather, this one has the answer on the back of the page you're on. This may seem like a subtle change, but trust me, it's noticeably harder to use this way. You have to keep flipping back and forth, checking the question number of the answer you're looking for, and, because there are so MANY fill in the blanks, a given question will have 5 or more... And you will find yourself counting the stupid blanks to find the right answer. Plus, because I guess the new authors wanted to expand the amount of information presented, there's just too many fill in the blanks and not enough repetition, which defeats the whole purpose of programmed learning, which relies on repetition over increasing time periods in order to learn new information.Basically, the beginning of this text, which is most similar to the original, is still okay, but the further you get in (around the time it starts talking about cerebellum and thalamus), the information is no longer usable.Not to mention all the errors. Lines in diagrams are pointing to the wrong objects, answers are just plain wrong.. I found myself having to check the answers on a second neuroanatomy book.Anyway... If you can find the original edition, get that one instead. Note to publisher: print more copies of the original!!!!! And maybe get some authors to finally write a volume 2 in the original intention.

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