Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: LWW; 6 edition (December 4, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781780667
ISBN-13: 978-0781780667
Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.2 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (65 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #222,941 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Osteopathy #29 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Chiropractic #38 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Osteopathy
I picked up a copy of this to replace a lost copy of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and, on comparison, I find the Bates book to be much more useful, particularly for a novice such as myself. While it does not have the wonderful vinyl cover of the Oxford handbook (which lets it double as a coaster) the writing is much clearer and much more concise. As a pocket reference it is far superior in it's brevity than other pocket manuals are in their verbosity.What sets this book apart from others is the heavy use of illustration. Every pocket reference has pictures to some extent, but this Bates book substitutes the wall of text I've seen used to describe an examination in other books and substitutes it with a series of illustrations with brief textual narration. Procedures will be shown, rather than described, which is really what I'm looking for when I'm refreshing myself on a particular exam. While this is not necessarily desirable in a reference textbook such as the big version of Bates it works great when you are searching for a prompt or a reminder on a particular exam procedure. The organization is anatomical, basically head to toe followed by separate sections for musculoskeletal and neurological. The layout of the discrete, clean and simple. The graphics are all well done and photographs are clear and all excellent, unambiguous examples. The book is color throughout and printed on nice thick paper.The only improvements I would add would be color coding for different sections and maybe a more durable cover; the paperboard cover is the weakest point of this book and I can envision terrible things for it after slinging it around for a year or two.
I have used this book in my clinical setting and it is chock full of information and it is well written. It even has guidelines how to write up a clinical note with using the correct medical terms. I would suggest this book for anyone in the medical/nursing field who works with and assesses patients. A great pocket book
I find the pocket book useful as a reference guide. If you want in depth explanations, get the full version of Bates but this one is excellent if you are on the wards or in a preceptor's office.
Nice quick and handy reference guide to use while I'm at work. Im definitely going to put this pocket guide to use during my NP clinical rotations. Colored pictures and small brief explanations make this a handy little pocket reference. No complaints.I saved money buying this edition as opposed to the newer edition. Not much has changed in performing clinical assessments and history taking in patients over the years.
Best thing I ever did was buy a kindle for med school! It's super thin and fits easily in my white coat! Plus I can carry hundreds of books in it like bates!Bates is an essential resource for H&P/progress note writing and physical exam interpretation! Buy it early in your med school career. You'll use it thoughout all four years and likely beyond!
I am a 4th semester ADN student. Personally, I think my initial assessment skills have been subpar for my first year in school. I decided to look for supplemental material to assist with refining these skills. This book is exactly what I have been needing. I have not had the book for a long period of time (I have not read word for word), but thus far I have a better understanding of various assessment skills and a patient's history. For me, this book will be a must for clinical in rotations for school and my future career. I contemplated on purchasing the text-book version, but this book has the complete basic and advanced skills needed for everyday initial and routine assessment. Also, this book is "compact" so it is favorable to take to clinical.
Perfect size to fit in your pocket. Much needed resource as you just can't remember everything off the top of your head. Covers the entire body and systems. A quick reference when needed and examples for history taking. Extremely valuable. Highly recommend.
My medical school clinical course wanted us to get the full version of Bates but I've found that this is more than sufficient for the course and it will be particularly handy when I start rotations next year.
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