Robert Black: The True Story Of A Child Rapist And Serial Killer From The United Kingdom (Homicide True Crime Cases Book 1)
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This book contains photos and graphic statements that some may find very disturbingGiven up for adoption by his mother at only a few weeks old, Robert Black is placed with physically abusive foster parents setting the tone for who, and what, he'd become - a pedophile and serial killer. Starting at the age of five, he recalls being sexually curious and began placing items in his anus at the age of eight. He'd sexually assault hundreds of little girls before committing his first murder. Sadly, as law enforcement stumbled along with no leads or evidence, Robert Black would strike repeatedly destroying families and preying on innocent little girls in the United Kingdom.Chris Swinney is the bestselling true crime author of:* "Robert Pickton: The Pig Farmer Killer"* "The Killer Handyman: The True Story of William Patrick Fyfe"* "Deadly Voices: The True Story of Serial Killer Herbert Mullin" (RELEASED DECEMBER 8, 2015 He is also the author of the action/thriller "Bill Dix Detective Series"Book 1 - Gray GhostBook 2 - The Cartel EnforcersBook 3 - Sin City AssassinSwinney is an active Police Officer / Homicide Detective in the Oakland, CA area. He donates most of his royalties to various organizations such as: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Cancer research, and PTSD/Military support groups. The proceeds from The Cartel Enforcers go to Koti Fakava's family who passed away leaving his wife and five children.

File Size: 841 KB

Print Length: 138 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: RJ Parker Publishing (October 26, 2015)

Publication Date: October 26, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #46,474 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > World > Modern #62 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Europe > England #77 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > True Crime > Serial Killers

In this book you will read about the life and crimes of Robert Black. This was probably one of the best books I have read from this Canada Series. It was a page turner for me, very well written. A horrible person he was but Justice was served in my opinion. I recommend this book to any reader out there. Great job Chris.

Once again C.L. Swinney provides an outstanding True Crime story with his newest book “Robert Black”. This time he has taken the reader across the pond to England and Scotland. Normally I like to read his true crimes books in one seating as Swinney provides insight into the minds and workings of some of the sickest minds in criminal history. With the topic of this book, admittedly I had to take breaks after each crime Black committed to reflect and appreciate that my family never had to suffer like those families in the book. Mr. Swinney was able to provide in an excellent way the amount of time, effort and frustration the local police had in trying to solve the crimes. The average reader today has become so “CSI” trained they think a serial rapist and killer can be identified and captured in one hour with commercials. When an experienced Police Officer tells the readers it took years and 22 tons of evidence to bring this person to trial it really opens one’s eyes. I am looking forward to his next read and the insight he brings to the table.

This book actually has clear, often color photos of the children who became victims of this thief of entire lifetimes, innocence and joy of life. Each victim has a chapter following their unimaginable encounters with a being that can only be explained as pure Evil incarnated. And that's no explanation at all.Some of the parents didn't live long enough to see Robert Black caught.If you want to read a book about someone who rapes, tortures and kills children, this is as good as any. I think a lot of True Crime readers, myself included, become desensitized to what they are reading about. There's some kind of vicarious thrill that satisfies the dark side in us.Just watch what you read. You might come across something that pierces through those layers and goes right into your heart. It happened to me, and it could happen to you.

This book and others in the same series that I have read merit five stars for detail and thoughtful narrative, but the language, whilst easy to read, is not absolutely polished. Having said that, it is very effective language and the cases are interesting. These are accounts of real cases and the writer handles some very confronting stuff without descending into the gothic or tasteless voyeurism. So the result is engrossing and informative. We need to know what goes on in the world, without feeling that this is normal or thrilling behaviour. Swinney keeps it in perspective, I think.So, 5 stars for content; 4 for presentation.

Robert Black: The True Story of a Child Rapist and Serial Killer from the United Kingdom is a well-written book about a monster and his victims. This is a book that parents of young children should read. These animals have always been with us but the past was more of an innocent time because we seldom heard about serial killers much less child rapist. The book will make you sad and of course you will wonder why it took so long for this monster to be found. I highly recommend every parent read this book.

Author C. L. Swinney has again produced an insightful look into the life of a serial killer in the Robert Black: The True Story of a Child Rapist and Serial Killer. The background information of Robert Black’s childhood provides some reasons this person became the person he is. The author’s experience in criminal investigations helps the reader understand the complexity of the investigation in solving the serial killings. It is hard to imagine the pain the families of his victims endured. Thankfully he is in a place where he can no longer harm innocent girls.

Awesome book! Tells the story without being repetitive and is a page turner all the way through the entire book! Great read!

This book was very hard to get through without getting very emotional about it. Robert Black was a very violent human being who preyed on and murdered children. Chris did an excellent job on this book. Never in my life had I read a book that so detailed the viciousness and brutality of the crimes this evil evil human being committed.

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