Options Trading: Definitive Beginner's Guide (Options Trading For Beginners, Make Money From Home, Covered Calls, Options, Investing For Beginners Book 1)
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Options Trading Made EasyDo you have all your money sitting in a savings account earning almost zero interest? Are you concerned about investing in the stock market because of uncertainty? Or are you a seasoned investor who wants to hone his skills and become even more successful? Or maybe you’re just a total newbie who doesn’t know what the word “Options” even means when it comes to investing. If you are in any of those categories, you’ve come to the right place. Options provide a great way for an investor to make money in the market no matter what the market conditions are. Bull market? Bear market? Stagnant market? There’s a way you can profit from each of these through options trading. You can also avoid the hassles, costs, and requirements of tricky situations like margin accounts and margin calls. This book takes you through the basics of options trading and investment (both in general and options specific) including trading strategies, types of options, choosing a broker, developing an investment strategy and more. Whether you are motivated by the prospects of building a solid nest egg for your retirement, quitting your 9 to 5 day job to pursue your passion, or just having some additional disposable income for travel and other needs, the strategies in this book are designed to get you there without wasting your time. There is no fluff in this book- just pure profit. After reading this book, here is what you will discover... An overview of how Options Trading actually works and exactly what it entails. Indispensable information for both a beginner and a seasoned trader!A simple breakdown of all the lingo and terminology that intimidates both newcomers and seasoned traders alike How to select the correct broker that will perform for you without breaking the bank A Comprehensive Analysis of various strategies that you need to succeed at Options Trading. Don’t enter the market without these!! Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. A list of mistakes that often plague newcomers, and easy ways to avoid falling prey to these pitfalls And Much much more!You're not getting younger so don’t wait any longer to start making money. Take action and become a highly skilled and successful Options Trader today!

File Size: 2878 KB

Print Length: 58 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 8, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #170,091 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #33 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Options #52 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > E-commerce > Online Trading #75 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Online Trading

I have read a lot of books about Options Trading, this is because, before I jump into an investment, I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing. After reading this book again about Options Trading, I learned about a new topic, and that is about the types of brokers that I can actually approach. There are also a lot of type of investment, aside from stocks and mutual funds which was tagged as boring. I have also read a few interesting details, and I am getting more and more excited about this.

In today's world, passive income is what everyone is turning to so that in the long run they can retire on it and best option is OPTIONS TRADING. “How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.” –Robert G. Allen. And to think of it having done my research it is a true statement. So for me I'm elated that I chose this book as it is a definitive beginners guide and it was what I was looking forward to, recommend reading.

This is very nice book! I am reading this book with my friends. I am really enjoyed this book. I have also read a few sources online such as blogs. But I hadn't got much idea about how to invest in Options. This book gave me a clear idea about investing in it. What is even better, the book covers some great strategies, which are explained wonderfully. If you are new to options trading, this book just might be a wise investment for you. The book content is a little bit technical for me but good thing that all ideas were presented in an understandable manner. Highly recommend it.

This book is actually a big help for me to understand and learn more about Option Trading. I really don't have any idea about trading business but my cousin keep on telling me that it is a good choice to invest here that is why I purchased this book to have the whole idea and how this business works. Now i can say that i am confident enough to invest because i have all the information i need to know. Its ups and down and how to invest as a beginner.

I have always been interested to investing to stock market. So i am fund of reading such materials. This book introduces the reader to options trading and how it works. Also, you will be familiarized with the lingo used in this business or investment. The different strategies to play it with were also discussed. The book content is a little bit technical for me but good thing that all ideas were presented in an understandable manner.

Very interesting and informative book for me, because this field of activity of this is the innovative, because before that I did not know about this area of investing virtually nothing. Author opens new doors for me, behind which are hidden new features on the options trading market, how to invest, how to avoid failures, what rules to follow, all this and more you will know me here. I recommend.

This book provides the basic information needed for starting an investment in trading options. It initially provides relevant ideas that will help us actively and knowledgeably pursue profit generation.This book also has a brief preview regarding long-term options and opportunities as an option trader so that we will be able to move forward and continue the run as we have success in the short-term. Now all I need to do is master the foundations of options trading - what it is, the environment we need to work in, the strategies and techniques, etc. Great job on this book as it gives me the enthusiasm on investing in this kind of trade.

A great and very informative book. Setting options in time or on a call will not be of much help if it isn’t accompanied by serious knowledge and understanding of the market. You will learn different techniques and strategies that will be very helpful to you. I recommend this book.This book can be a good stepping stone for anyone interested in Options Trading and the like.

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