Lymphedema Management: The Comprehensive Guide For Practitioners 2nd Edition (Complementary Medicine (Thieme Hardcover))
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"A well-written textbook that is clear and concise. The organization is exceptional; each chapter is color-coded for ease in locating or browsing through information, and colored shadings in the text emphasize important points. Students and patients interested in this topic will find exceptional value in reading this book. The quality and readability are excellent." - Physical TherapyThis comprehensive textbook discusses current approaches to managing primary and secondary lymphedema and related conditions, such as chronic venous insufficiency, edema, and rheumatoid arthritis. It provides thorough coverage of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lymphatic system, and explains everything you need to know about manual lymph drainage (Vodder technique), complete decongestive therapy, and other treatment modalities. The authors also provide practical tips on patient self-care, bandaging techniques, and exercises, and give valuable recommendations for administrative and business issues.Highlights of this second edition:New sections on axillary web syndrome, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, and Parkes Weber syndrome Expanded coverage of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, lipedema, and important considerations for treatments Up-to-date information on the care of wounds and skin lesions Lymphedema Management is an indispensable reference for physicians, therapists, nurses, and students who wish to gain full understanding of this complex topic and maximize treatment success. Lymphedema patients will also greatly benefit from its wealth of hands-on information and helpful illustrations.

Series: Complementary Medicine (Thieme Hardcover)

Hardcover: 282 pages

Publisher: TPS; 2nd edition edition (July 11, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 313139482X

ISBN-13: 978-3131394828

Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.8 x 0.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,296,973 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #92 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Osteopathy #204 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Osteopathy #241 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Endocrinology

I have been a certified lymphedema therapist for 10 years. This book is a MUST HAVE for all clinicians who are either certified as a lymphedema therapist, or who just want more information about lymphedema. PATIENTS AS WELL will benefit from the resources in this book.Joachim Zuther is THE AUTHORITY ON LYMPHEDEMA. I had the honor of being his student in 2002 when I became lymphedema certified. His experience with treating patients with lymphedema and knowledge of this subject is VAST, to say the least!!! He is the founder of the Academy of Lymphatic studies, and is on the board of LANA - Lymphedema Association of North America. I believe he even helped found this association.In his book, Mr. Zuther presents the information in a concise, EASY TO READ manner. Even the lay person who is not a clinician could read this book and have a good understanding of all the components of lymphedema, including causes, types of lymphedema, and treatment for lymphedema.The book is laid out in chronological sections, beginning with the explanation of 'what is lymphedema', followed by lymphatic anatomy, the job of the lymphatic system and causes of the 2 types and 3 stages of lymphedema (4 stages, if you count 'latency'). Mr. Zuther then explains treatments AND TECHNIQUES for lymphedema, including MLD (manual lymphatic drainage), Compression, skin care, and exercise.I own other books on lymphedema, but this particular book is the EASIEST to understand and is, in my opinion, the MOST COMPLETE, ACCURATE and CONSISE book there is on lymphedema. THIS BOOK is the ONLY book you will ever need!! I refer to this book all the time, and my other lymphedema books are just sitting on the shelf collecting dust because I don't need them!

Far more info than one needs. OK not if you are a student of course. I knew this when I ordered it so no suprise there. But man I do wish our MD doctors would get with the program and offer treatment for this condition or at least acknowledge it. In the 90's I was told it's cosmetic. I heard that into the 2000's. They would offer me a mild diuretic and those who know even then...they do not work with this condition. They may dry up your eyes and suck real water weight or retention such as period gain but it does nothing for pitting edema which is lymph waste that is not being removed by your body as it should for what ever reason had happened to cause this. And so much more could be offered to the patient if they just admitted it to is anything but cosmetic. It can and does often lead to ulcerated sores and hard to heal skin lesions which can also lead to extreme pain and misery and worse life threatening infections or allow secondary infections to develop. I was sent to a dermatologist once during one of these skin eruptions and was told no you just have dry skin that is not edema related. Lets see I've had over a dozen such episodes now and it never responds to lotion for dry skin they like to sell or prescribe to you. Only antibiotic cremes and pain relief ingredients in some of those help with the severe burning and itch and pain and also help to calm it down where it can heal. I do challenge the medical field and so called MD's who still after 20 years with this condition claim it's only cosmetic. Really sores and open wounds are only cosmetic? So sorry I disagree. I also disagree that the swelling and severe swelling and buising due to that and other complications due to the retention of this waste in your body that leads to deformity and pain and though yes ugly...

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