Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books; REV ed. edition (December 4, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1556432607
ISBN-13: 978-1556432606
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.7 x 11.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (7 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,178,536 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #89 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Osteopathy #191 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Osteopathy #862 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Massage
The first page I turned to was a section on a positional release for pectoralis minor. She claimed its origin was on ribs 2-4. Hertling & Kessler, McGee, Snell, Grays, Netter, Trevel, Beil, Tortora, 2 different muscle testing books, two different kinesiology books, and personal experience with cadavers say that pectoralis minor originates on ribs 3-5!This would have been inconsequential except that her reason for treating pec minor was to SPECIFICALLY MOBILIZE THE SECOND RIB. This means she was using pec minor's erroneous attachment as a BASIS for treatment. Upon further review of this book, I have found it is littered with simular errors. With all of the author's training, she doesn't seem to have a grasp on rudementary aspects of knowledge. With that being said, I cannot trust the knowledge contained in this book or any of her volumes.One other point: Throughout the book she constantly "buffs-up" her form of treatment; as if to try to convince me on how revolutionary this method is. She has many many trademarked names for new things (all of which have been found in other disciplines; specifically craniosacral therapy/myofacial release and any routine positional release book), and many instances where she reiterates how new and involved IMT is. Her self promoting actually makes her look unconfidant about her treatment; that it cannot hold up on its own merit without promotion. Recommended books: Postional Release Therapy by D'Ambrogio, Spinal Manipulations by Bourdillan, and Principles of Manual Medicine.
I use this book alot in the clinic (outpatient PT). The strain/counterstrain techniques are illustrated and very effective. Alot of theory, but lots of practical applications with muscle energy, strain/counterstrain, and even tendon/ligament therapy. Highly recommend it!
This is a great book
My son-in-law is a physical therapist and I got these for his library. He loves them. These are very good books for someone wanting to know more about MIT
This book is amazingly simple to read and use with astonishing results to rid the body of aches and pains.
Excellent and thorough.
Integrative Manual Therapy: For the Upper and Lower Extremities is an easy to use book. I use the muscle energy techniques and strain counterstrain techniques all the time. They are wonderful for increasing function and decreasing joint pain. ---- from Kim Burnham, PhD Editor of w[...] an evidence based website and e-newsletter covering the benefits of manual therapy, massage and other Integrative medicine for a wide variety of conditions. Recently covered topics include Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Breast Cancer, Bird Flu, Parkinson's Disease, Lymphedema, Low Back Pain and more.
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