Essentials Of Pharmacology For Health Occupations (Book Only)
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Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations, 6th Edition provides an extensive framework of drug information in a concise format for learners studying licensed practical nursing, medical assisting and other allied health professions. Learn calculations quickly through a simplified step-by-step process. Discover key drug information by classifications, such as their purpose, side effects, cautions, and interactions, or utilize this resource to refresh your knowledge of drugs. The accompanying CD-ROM helps learners master pharmacology through quizzes, games, and case studies with immediate feedback and medication administration techniques and safety video clips. Open this resource now and see how easy learning pharmacology can be.

Paperback: 586 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 6 edition (December 7, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1111320179

ISBN-13: 978-1111320171

Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.5 x 0.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (69 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,418,429 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #60 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Chemotherapy #474 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Clinical > Pharmacology #682 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Pharmacology

As a single parent and full time student I find it difficult to keep up. My pharmacology class is packing this book into 10 weeks. The normal length of semesters is 16 weeks. Some weeks consist of 4 tests. This book has been a definite asset to my education. It is thourough, but consice educational tool. The text consists of an overall introduction of medicines and then it breaks down the medicines by body system with sub-categories of classification. The worksheets are cumbersome, but a good learning tool. I only wish I would have known I could buy this book here as it is less expensive than the college bookstore!

Nice book as a student, but as an instructor it seems poorly organized and doesn't really talk about pharmacology. I am a pharmacist instructing a pharmacology course at a local community college and this is the textbook they wanted me to use. This book doesn't really teach pharmacology (how drugs actually work); it discusses a little bit about what drugs are used for certain disease states/symptoms, but the drugs aren't grouped together according to their classification. It is kind of frustrating producing a lecture with Powerpoint slides when drugs that should be grouped together are found in various chapters around the book. This book is okay, but it isn't a true pharmacology book - it doesn't tell you how drugs actually work. It lists the drugs, side effects, cautions, interactions, and contraindications which is basically the same info in any drug reference book. If I followed the textbook to teach this class, lecture would be extremely boring. I enjoy teaching and bringing real-life experience to the course, but unfortunately the syllabus is based on this textbook and I find myself trying to teach the objectives (does a medical assistant student really care about the 1906 Food and Drug Act) and not teaching actual real-life pharmacology. Some of the info is inaccurate (pharmacists themselves do not need a DEA #, but this book teaches that they do). The semester is almost over and hopefully I will be able to talk to the dean to arrange for an actual pharmacology textbook.

Love the book but the CD ROM is worthless. Don't use the CD and I hope no professor out there makes their class use it. It does not work. I had all the right answers and it still told me i was wrong but when it gave the answer, it was the same one I gave. My instructor even tried to use it and his cd was missing stuff.

This study guide, IMO, is not worth buying for use with the textbook. There's no chapter summaries, study tips, lists or anything like that. This book is simply an extra set of questions, like at the end of the chapters in the book, for each chapter. There isn't even an answers portion in the back. I do not recommend buying unless it's required for your course.

This textbook is very easy to read, the quizzes at the end of each chapter really help to summerize the information learned. The patient education sections are helpful for learning what the patient will need to know. Very well written and easy to follow.The only downside is that I am in Canada using this for a course and the book is written in the USA with USA legislation and rules in mind.

Of course this book was a requirement for a college course so I had to have it. But as far as college level books are concerned, this book is easy to read and understand. There are tables which list the types of drugs, generic and brand names, and dosage in each chapter. This comes in handy for studying and learning new drug names.

The book arrived on the promised delivery date and the book is intact but has a lot of highlights and underlining in it. I will never understand why people mess up a book they are renting. What one person thinks is important and rates an underline or highlight will probably not be what the next person will think is important and the markings just mess with the study process. I was upset to see all the "graffiti" and almost renturned it but this is just an 8 week class so I will study through all the markings. For this reason I do not think I will rent textbooks in the future.

Excellent book and well written. I liked how the text was organized and I also liked the size of the fonts used. Easy to read and follow along. No answers in the back of the book make it better for both the student and teacher.

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