Forex Price Action Scalping: An In-depth Look Into The Field Of Professional Scalping
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Forex Price Action Scalping provides a unique look into the field of professional scalping. Packed with countless charts, this extensive guide on intraday tactics takes the reader straight into the heart of short-term speculation. The book is written to accommodate all aspiring traders who aim to go professional and who want to prepare themselves as thoroughly as possible for the task ahead. Few books have been published, if any, that take the matter of scalping to such a fine and detailed level as does Forex Price Action Scalping. Hundreds of setups, entries and exits (all to the pip) and price action principles are discussed in full detail, along with the notorious issues on the psychological side of the job, as well as the highly important but often overlooked aspects of clever accounting. The book, counting 358 pages, opens up a wealth of information and shares insights and techniques that are simply invaluable to any scalper who is serious about his trading.

Paperback: 358 pages

Publisher: Light Tower Publishing (October 11, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9090264116

ISBN-13: 978-9090264110

Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.8 x 9.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (60 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #187,086 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #87 in Books > Business & Money > International > Foreign Exchange #1528 in Books > Business & Money > Investing

For some time I have wanted to jump into learning price action trading. The trouble is, there is not a lot of material out there. Of course, there are Al Brooks' excellent books. But, if you are like me, digesting and understanding Brooks is like unraveling riddles of the sphinx - most difficult and fraught with expensive mistakes. Enter Bob Volman's book. Volman's lucid treatment of what could be a dry subject is refreshing. Volman's writing is clear, sometimes funny, and terribly engaging.Volman presents each chapter with a general introduction to an idea. He then proceeds to give many examples with much, much commentary. At first, I was a little dissapointed with the book. Flip through it, and there are relatively few charts. But, it is only an illusion. There are few charts per page because Volman explains so much for each chart. And again, the reading isn't dry. Volman has a witty flair for English and a dry sense of humor that makes the multi-paragraph (and page) commentary for each chart seem like a short figure caption.This is the real stuff, too. No smoke and mirrors, laggy indicators and outlandish performance metrics. Read Volman's book, and turn a simple candlestick chart into an amazing drama of tug-o-war.

Well I've never heard of Bob Volman or of Light Tower Publishing but after reading this book I can tell you that it's on par with what I've read from Al Brooks. The author has a very readable and insightful style which makes for strangely quick reading for this subject.In some ways it strikes me as a sort of a price action short hand when you compare it to Al Brooks writings but nevertheless I think it very insightful and I plan on using some of the methods in trading equities.I don't remember anything in the book that struck me as off or not matching my experience in the market. Every chapter rings true and fits the true reality of day trading like only a very small percentage of trading books do. I found myself nodding my head quite a few times in agreement with Bob's lucid explanations of many of the details of trading as a whole. My favorite quote is... "simple because the edge is not a thing that can surface by itself. It can only be obtained by the blood, sweat and tears of committing oneself to countless hours of studying markets, patterns, set ups and price action principles."

! Easy to read even for novices2 Clearly details specific set ups with tons of chart3 clear explanations regarding market forces as expressed in each bar in the chart4 "Real Life " analysis of traders psychology e.g. who does a trader experience when trapped in a trade? who to do?5. Focus on the price chart alone is a great practice . It is more than enough to tell the whole story for the trader who has trained his eye to know the roadI am convinced that a trader who spends the time studying this book and then goes of a journey to apply the principles will be rewarded handsomely

This is actually the first time I write a book review, but since Bob Volman's book is so good (in my humble opinion), I decided to take the time to convince others that 'Forex Price Action Scalping' is worth every penny. Simply said, it stands out from all other Forex books. No 'getting rich quickly plans', no setups that will make a 'killer profit'. Just sound advice that will make you a decent scalper, if, and only if, you are willing to put in thousands of hours training and learning the craft.This is a serious book for the serious trader and, as mentioned before, has many parallels with the book on trading price action by Al Brooks(books that is, since he rewrote his first work and spread the information among three books). Al's book is a real masterpiece, but a very hard read. I believe Bob does a better job in writing a readable book. The only thing I miss, are some insights on how to deal with/ or to refrain from news. Apart from that, I really like the fact that this scalper gives us an insight in the work and methods of a Forex scalper - this in contrast with the many books on scalping in futures markets.If you are planning on becoming a serious Forex trader - then by all means BUY THIS BOOK!

First a hearty thanks to Mr. Volman for making his experiences and trading techniques available through his book "Forex Price Action Scalping".I've been trading since 2000 and over that period of time have read and studied a number of books. However, I must say I have never come across a work so clearly articulating the business, the art and techniques of trading as Forex Price Action Scalping. His depiction of charts, with references and explanations are error free and easy to comprehend. Kudos to Bob Volman and to whomever assisted with the editing.Co-incident with acquiring FPAS I also purchased material written by Al Brooks. In the interest of keeping things in a positive perspective, let's just say it has been one of the more contrasting examples one might experience in trading publications.In reviewing some of the "lower Star ratings" given - simply points out that one needs to identify what works for the type of trader they are. Scalp trading is not for everybody. Blaming any author for one's "poor trading performance" is like blaming McDonald's for occurrences of obesity.Mr. Volman clearly raises the bar for any trader/trainer pursuing a complimentary career in authoring trading publications.

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