Hardcover: 672 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 2 edition (June 8, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323026494
ISBN-13: 978-0323026499
Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.6 x 1.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.6 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (18 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #787,106 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #93 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Chiropractic #192 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Chiropractic #671 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Pathology > Clinical Chemistry
June 19, 2013The third edition of the textbook "Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS" by Cramer and Darby recently landed on my desk and it is an impressive thesis of evidence-based information on a region of the human frame that is clinically important yet often misunderstood. The authors have produced an edition that truly represents the science and art of anatomy -- the green and orange cover is pleasing to the eye and the pages within are clear, which results in easy and effortless reading.As an example of the authors' commitment to present up-to-date information, in the cervical region chapter (page 176) they write of the transverse occipital ligament (TOL) when discussing the classic ligaments of the upper cervical spine (eg, alar, cruciform, and apical ligaments). Another example is the neurophysiologic basis of pain (there is an entire chapter describing pain of spinal origin) and recent data on inflammatory mediators that play a role in the genesis of radicular pain). This kind of cutting-edge information is just two of the many examples that are found throughout the textbook. The result is a resource that can be immediately consulted and reviewed prior to neurosurgery or manual interventions of the spine. Medical students and other health-professional students can also use this textbook as a resource because many of the topics covered by Cramer and Darby in this edition are not fully discussed (or, in some cases not even mentioned) in general anatomy textbooks.The authors of this textbook have revamped every chapter and continue to provide clinicians, anatomists, neuroscientists, and health-professional students with clear, crisp, and anatomically precise descriptions that explain each and every part of the vertebral column. Like previous editions, thick vertical lines are found throughout the textbook and signal to the reader information that is clinically important. Many diagnostic images (plain film radiographs, CT and MR scans) are found throughout the textbook and are very large compared to previous editions. The figures have also been enhanced and enlarged for easier reading. There are also many well organized tables that present data in a clear way.I will be recommending the third edition of this textbook as a resource in my upcoming anatomy course. It is a worthwhile resource for anyone interested in the clinical anatomy of the spine.Anthony V. D'Antoni, DC, PhDAssociate Professor and Director of AnatomyNew York College of Podiatric Medicine
Basic and Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS is an excellent text for both students and clinicians that specialize in the spine. As a chiropractic student, I used the first edition for my spinal anatomy class and as a National Chiropractic Board Exam review and found it to be extremely helpful.Now I am preparing to enter my private outpatient practice and decided to pick up the 2nd edition of this text to use as a reference. I was thoroughly impressed with the new edition. The new edition offers many advantages over any other book that I have seen in the anatomical description of the spine, and the clinical application of this knowledge. I was particularly impressed with the presentation of the latest research related to the spine, the brilliant new illustrations, high resolution CT and MR images, and the new material related to the ANS (and its role in pain), intervertebral disc degeneration, and the pediatric spine. Although it isn't new, I also appreciate the red-lined sections that mark the clinically relevant information (which I think will be very helpful in the next few years as a quick review in practice).For those who already own the first edition, I would highly recommend updating to this edition simply based on the wealth of new information that science has revealed concerning the spine and nervous system. For those who haven't experienced this book, I would recommend it for its dual use as a basic science reference and as a clinical science review. I think this book holds tremendous value for both students and practitioners (DCs, DOs, MDs, PTs, etc) that work with the spine and nervous system.
This book is very complete and gives full descriptions of the anatomy of the spine. I would recommend this book for any chiropractic students taking a class in spinal anatomy, for any osteopathic student taking gross anatomy and any physical therapy students taking anatomy classes. However, I would also recommend the following which is also sold on .com:Spinal Anatomy Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers by Patrick Leonardi (ISBN: 0971999600)This study guide will definitely give you an edge on tests and prepare first year chiropractic students to know the type of questions to be ready for. If you want to pass spinal anatomy without stress and get good grades, both books are a must buy. My study group and I used both books and we all passed spinal anatomy class with at least a B in our chiropractic school.
For whatever reason, I didn't come across this textbook while in Chiropractic school. I'm very happy to report that this is a great text for all things related to the spine. I was reading thru Guyton's physiology the other day, and felt disappointed that it didn't have the level of depth that I was looking for, and this book does, including some of the neuroanatomy that I was specifically looking for. A must have for every Chiropractor, student or doc.
I've used all 3 editions of this text for teaching spinal anatomy. This is the premier text on anatomy of the spine. The text is comprehensive, well organized and easy to use. It is referenced extremely well and up to date. The pictures and diagrams alone are worth the price of this text. Highly recommend this book for all spinal anatomy students, health professionals and anatomists.
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