Paperback: 318 pages
Publisher: Wilson Lafferty; 1 edition (March 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0986106909
ISBN-13: 978-0986106903
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.7 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (41 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #79,264 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Service #128 in Books > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Strategy & Competition #306 in Books > Business & Money > Processes & Infrastructure > Strategic Planning
The array of principles discussed are not just applicable to architecture or to business but alsoto work / life balance. It is a great "lessons learned' set of thoughts and "TIBS" ("This I Believe)that emerged as a great business developed and prospered . . all due to an organic processwithout a "handbook" or rigid set of rules . . but that organic process was not accidental. Imarveled at the simple truisms that we could all benefit from if we just applied them to whatwe do . . just as Art Gensler did.Beast idea : go home and have dinner with your family each night (even though I know that Art Gensler drove back to work after dinner : see page 138)
This is an excellent guide for anyone looking for inspiration on leadership, culture, strategy and client focus. It boils down the essentials into bite sized nuggets anyone can relate to and use to succeed and grow a team or a firm. Buy this book, give it as a gift to yourself or your coworkers in any stage of their careers. It's a winner!
I run a small architecture office and while I am very content with my lifestyle and practice, I often find myself unable to solicit much needed advice from other architectural practitioners for whatever reason. There's the local AIA chapter and mentors from the past but no one or no book has ever come close to offering the much needed guidance a sole practitioner needs as this book does. It's candid, concisely written, and chalk full of information and words of wisdom. It only took a day for me to read this. Anyone seriously interested in running a successful architectural firm needs this in their library.
“Although Arthur Gensler’s “Art’s Principles” is written from the perspective of a seasoned, successful professional, it’s appeal is to a much broader audience. The book is a collection of the author’s observations on all aspects of management and leadership and as such reflects experience that young professionals will find useful as career guidance. The author has not presented ground-breaking new theories but by collecting what he has found to be effective in building the world’s largest planning and design organization, Mr. Gensler has offered to all entrepreneurs a distillation of proven ideas. The index alone is worth the price of the paper-bound book’s 280 plus pages. This reader spent a career in management and executive roles in a major corporate setting and wishes he had read this book at the beginning of his journey."
If you run a business, especially a service business, you must read this book; it would be 'costly' for you and your company if you miss the opportunity to learn from a 'master of business'.The writing is as refreshing and educational as the environment Art has created for all of his employees. It's an easy read and yet it is full of so many simple, worthwhile suggestions for how to lead and run a business, any business.In my 30 years of being a management consultant, I have continued to use this 'mold', created by Art, to assist and encourage clients and colleagues who are leaders of their own firms. It is a surefire set of 'the right things to do' to ensure lasting success.
Simple Principles for running a business, It really motivates me to run practice without the fear of going to business school, learning by doing, building culture and maintain it as necessary.I highly recommend it.
This was an amazing read. I have worked in the architectural field for 10 years and at most companies I could tell there was something missing. Art's Principles lays out the path he took in creating the largest design firm in the world. It is my hope that every principal at every design firm reads this book and takes the messages to heart. The industry will be much better off.I purchased the kindle version on Friday, by the time I made it to 15% I ordered the paperback version because I could tell it contained information that I wanted to be able to keep at hand in the office. I finished the book on Sunday morning, not for lack of content but because everything in the book was spot on. I HIGHLY recommend this to any one in any type of professional services firm.
For me, Art is both a great leader and is like my favorite uncle. His approach to business is the same in life. Treat others fairly, plan accordingly, work your ass off, congratulate and thank those around you and finally respect and love your clients and friends. He is both brilliant and humanly simple at the same time. Read it.
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