The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide To Caring For Persons With Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, And Memory Loss In Later Life
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"I welcome with enthusiasm the third edition of this book for families and friends of patients with dementing illnesses. It has served well in its prior appearances and should accomplish even more with this edition."―Paul R. McHugh, M.D., in the forewordThrough two editions, this best-selling book has remained the "bible" for families who are giving care to people with Alzheimer disease. The 36-Hour Day has offered comfort and support to millions of people in North America and, in translations and adapted editions, throughout the rest of the world. For this third edition, the authors have retained the structure, scope, and purpose of the original book, while thoroughly updating chapters to reflect the latest medical research and the current delivery of care. Topics that have been added or extensively revised include: Updated terminology and statistics • New material on the evaluation of persons with dementia • Updated changes in laws on driving • A new section on hospice care • New information on assisted living facilities and financing care • Information on other types of dementia • The latest findings on eating and nutrition • New medical research in areas such as drugs, genetics, and diagnostic tests. The revised appendices include: New bibliographic references • websites • Updated addresses of associations and state offices. Praise for previous editions:"The best guide of its kind."― Chicago Sun Times"An excellent book for families who are caring for persons with dementia... A book that physicians can confidently recommend to the families of their patients."― Journal of the American Medical Association"Excellent guidance and clear information of a kind that the family needs... The authors offer the realistic advice that sometimes it is better to concede the patient's frailties than to try to do something about them, and that a compassionate sense of humor often helps."― New York Times"An excellent, practical manual for families and professionals involved in the care of persons with progressive illnesses... The book is specific and thought-provoking, and it will be helpful to anyone even remotely involved with an 'impaired' person... Highly recommended, especially for public and nursing libraries."― Library Journal" The 36-Hour Day has served its readers well. The revised edition should be even more useful both to family caregivers and professional health care providers."― HMO Practice"The reader who is familiar with the first edition will recognize the strengths that continue in the revised edition―numerous case examples, practical advice, thoroughness of coverage, and communication of caring and humane attitudes while presenting information that may be sensitive and upsetting to families."― Clinical Gerontologist

Series: A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; 3rd edition (January 15, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0801861497

ISBN-13: 978-0801861499

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (329 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #707,274 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #210 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Geriatrics #322 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Geriatrics #343 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Aging Parents

Anyone caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease, other diseases of dementia, or severe memory loss disorders, know just how difficult and consuming it is to care for someone you love. Whether you're a family member, caring for a loved one, or any of a number of healthcare providers, "The 36-Hour Day" is an absolute must-read for all. Put simply, it is a true necessity for anyone involved in the care giving process of dementia-type disorders.My 73 year old Father was diagnosed, about 8 years ago, with a "memory problem", by his family practitioner in New York. It was far more than simple memory loss, not unusual for someone his age, and the past 4 years of my life have been dedicated to his total care. As much as I love my Father, the demands of caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease has literally taken over my entire life and in every imaginable way. It is exhausting, depressing, frustrating, demanding and progressively gets worse. And, yes, there have been many special moments that I will treasure forever. I saw a side of my Dad, at times, that was much more loving and compassionate than I ever knew him to be. We played music, talked about old times, watched old movies and tried to harness ourselves into anything and everything that would build his confidence.The bottom line, however, is that Alzheimer's is a disease that affects the entire family unit. And it's not uncommon for a caregiver to place his/her needs on the back burner, often to a point where they neglect themselves so badly that they become too ill to provide care for their loved on. Families have been torn apart, marriages have ended and friendships neglected that they dissolved. I've also seen people come together in ways that were miraculous.

One of the most heart-wrenching experiences that adult children have to face is the knowledge that mom or dad is mentally whithering away bit by bit right in front of their eyes. When this happens, these children often do not know where to turn for help or guidance. In THE THIRTY-SIX HOUR DAY by Mace and Rabins, what can be done and what must be done is clearly outlined. It is tragic that the majority of readers of this book are the ones who now find themselves in that unhappy circumstance. Mace and Rabins explain exactly what typically happens to senior parents whose mental and physical faculties erode with the passing of time. The most common culprits are Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Mace and Rabins explain the nature of these and other similar crippling diseases. When senior parents are affected, not only their lives are turned upside-down. All too frequently, the lives of their children are affected too, sometimes ruinously. A secondary tragedy is that this time of decline need not be as ruinous as first perceived. Mace and Rabins set up a step-by-step plan to insure that this pain of decline is minimized and attempts to maintain basic human dignity for those affected are maximized. The authors suggest that the children of those affected reach out to available community services to include health care workers, insurance aids, nursing homes, and public and private resources. They emphasize that the families of those who are undergoing mental decline need not necessarily face financial and emotional collapse. There are definitely many courses of action that nearly every family can take, even those families of modest financial resources. Last week, I helped to put my father who suffers from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases into a quality nursing home in Fort Lauderdale.

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