Hardcover: 1240 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Liss; 6 edition (December 16, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471678082
ISBN-13: 978-0471678083
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 1.8 x 11.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.2 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (14 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #525,083 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #126 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Biochemistry #595 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Bioengineering > Biochemistry #3135 in Books > Science & Math > Chemistry
We used this book teaching first year medical school biochemistry. The clinical correlations are well done, but the real strengh of the book lies in the sections on metabolic interrelationships. It is often confusing to the medical student to learn a pathway, and the the metabolic controls of the pathway, and then the added complexity that this system works differently in different tissues. This physiological complexity (which is the layer of integration where diagnosis really happens) is tackled head on in the first few chapters. This helps keep the student oriented to the system (the patient) and not get totally lost in the trees of enzyme names and co-factors.I wish this book had been around when I went through medical school.duke out
As an undergraduate professor who teaches Biochemistry, I feel that this text is about as good as it gets with regard to "real world" applications. I will agree that it can be a somewhat difficult read - even the most well-educated novice might be overwhelmed by the details and progression of thought. The enzyme chapter in particular is less than stellar in its organization/presentation (a step back from the 5th edition when a different author penned that chapter). However, Devlin and his associates have done what so many authors of biochemistry texts have not... provided relevance. Often, this facet alone can make tackling an otherwise daunting amount of subject matter possible. As long as you have the proper guidance/instruction, this text is an invaluable tool for appreciating the signficance of biochemical pathways in the onset/progression of human disease.
I wanted to get a textbook that allows me to get up to speed again with mammalian biochemistry and I bought this book in preference to more general textbooks. And on the whole I am impressed - the writing and the diagrams are clear and accurate. There is one issue however that has made a serious black mark: units. I would expect a modern textbook to use SI units throughout. The problem here is that the book skips between Calories and Joules almost at random depending upon the particular author involved. The chapter on Bioenergetics gloriously uses both - but in different parts of the chapter (for example Free-Energy Change for hexokinase is in kcals whereas the section on Free-Energy Changes in redox reactions is in joules! - without the other unit in both cases). I have an elderly copy of Lehninger from the 1970's that exclusively uses SI units and so to see a modern (2005) book still using Calories is deeply disappointing. Yes it's an irritant (even I can convert between joules and calories - 4.18) and shouldn't detract from the book but thats not the point. It just shouldn't happen and it reflects badly on the general editor
I am currently teaching my first year of medical biochemistry and this book is a nice balance. Not as "hard core" on the chemistry as Voet & Voet, but more comprehensive than Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews or Baynes and Dominiczak's Medical Biochemistry. Similar in depth to Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry but slightly less emphasis on the medical aspects. Decent illustrations and the clinical coorelations boxed seperately within the text is a nice feature.
I expected better from a 6th edition medical textbook. There are still grammatical and sentence errors that need to be corrected, and we have found multiple diagram problems throughout the book. The sentences can be poorly worded at times, and the book occassionally makes leaps in thought that are difficult to follow. It does contain a large amount of information, which is good, but the presentation of that information definitely needs to be further refined.
We used this book in our class. I felt like material presented was at an intermediate to advanced level, even though our Instructor insisted that this was a beginners Biochem class.The book is inconsistent at times and confusing at others. It is very technical and not for the faint of heart!
great text. a lot of detail. not good for reviewing, but good for finding detailed information.
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