Developmental Biology
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"Developmental Biology", seventh edition and on contemporary developmental biology is written primarily for second and final year undergraduate students of biology but will also be useful for introducing graduate students and medical students to developmental biology. In addition to exploring and synthesizing the organismal, cellular and molecular aspects of animal development, the seventh edition expands its coverage of the medical, environmental, and evolutionary aspects of developmental biology. A Vade Mecum CD-ROM (ISBN 0 87893 259 X) is included with every copy of the book. This updated version now also includes Mary Tyler's new laboratory manual, "Developmental Biology: A Guide for Experimental Study", third edition, and now in electronic (PDF) format. The website at is completely updated and cross-referenced throughout the textbook. Lecturer supplements include: "Instructor's Resource CD" (ISBN 0 87893 259 3) which contains all the figures from the textbook, and 200 overhead transparencies (ISBN 0 87893 260 7).

Series: Developmental Biology

Hardcover: 838 pages

Publisher: Sinauer Associates Inc; Har/Cdr edition (March 4, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0878932585

ISBN-13: 978-0878932580

Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 9 x 15 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.5 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (43 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,605,886 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #78 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Embryology #145 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Embryology #365 in Books > Science & Math > Biological Sciences > Biology > Developmental Biology

Not the best, not the worst. The book does not address big concepts adequately and absolutely requires a classroom or Wikipedia to break those down, The reading is chock full of detailed mechanisms that don't really do much to explain the big developmental concept that the author is trying to teach. Instead, you end up caught up in the details and don't even realize what he's talking about.Overall, this isn't so much a textbook inasmuch as it is a gigantic review article that lists what's going on in the field. Understanding what those lists mean in terms of the big picture is up to you and your professor.

I bought this textbook for my upper division college Developmental Biology class. I've only read the first 5 chapters of this book. I must say: the organization is pretty good, and it is fairly easy to read. I bought the loosed-leaf version at my school bookstore for $88 with tax and then returned it because is much cheaper AND this is the hardcover version. The pictures inside the book are really good and very high quality in this book. There is a summary section after every chapter, and this is helpful to brush up on the things that you just read. My professor just uses the figures for her lecture (I'm pretty sure that the company who owns this textbook allows you to buy PowerPoint versions of this book to present to students). The PowerPoint version contains all of the figures in the textbook, and my professor mainly tests us on the figures because they practically detail the entire chapter.Pros: My favorite thing about this book is the Signaling Pathway section because not only do they provide a schematic picture of it, the textbook also has a simplified version (which is the part you will probably remember later on in life).Cons: the book tries to add some humor. I don't think it's funny, and it doesn't help me remember. Luckily, these "opinions" are like 1 sentence every few pages, so it's not much. Maybe the humor might be enjoyable to others, this might help you remember. It didn't help me because I am really bad a reading comprehension so not much is funny to me.

Wilt and Hake was the assigned text, and I felt obligated to read it... but that was a chore.So I ordered Gilbert to help me read the "easy" book and it saved my grade hide. After struggling through that horrific mess of pondering verbiage, pedantic textual hectoring, and outright inaccuracies, this book rescued me and was... Fascinating. Helpful. Encouraging of a greater interest. Everything a great quality text book should do... this book did.I would marry Scott Gilbert and bear his children if I weren't married and sterile.THIS is what every textbook SHOULD be like.

Its been 2 weeks into the semester, and I only have good things to say about this text.The outline that Gilbert purposes for the subject is straightforward and quite helpful. Maybe its the nature of the subject or how Gilbert approaches Developmental Biology, but I appreciate how he writes a good amount about the historical details of previous experiments and scientist. It allows you to go on, in a sense, relive the journey to scientific progression. I also appreciate how Gilbert understands the value of diagrams and photos.I agree with other reviews in how the textbook is more for the undergraduate level as opposed to the graduate level. However, this text does give the foundations for graduate level reading.

easy to read, full of details. Great illustrations. Very clear.I LOVE THIS BOOK and it was worth buying even though it was not the assigned text (Hake was assigned and it is an awful book)

The semester is coming to an end and I have had a difficult time understanding this book. It's got nice introductions before each chapter which helps but the material itself is not presented in a way that it's easy to understand. I spent most of my time reading the material online than using this book.

This book is very clear and straightforward to follow along and at the same time it is written in a very illustrative and exciting manner. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to study Developmental Biology.

i had been reading this book and is pretty good for collecting the developmental stages of different organisms. Im a researcher and for me this book is very good for those that are in the developmental biology field.

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