BRS Embryology (Board Review Series)
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BRS Embryology, Fourth Edition is a succinct outline-format review for USMLE and course exams, with USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive USMLE-style examination at the end of the book. The book also includes radiographs, sonograms, computed tomography scans, and photographs of various congenital malformations. This updated edition has a new organization: prefertilization through the embryonic period; system by system; genetic abnormalities; and teratology. The chapter on structural chromosomal abnormalities has been substantially revised. This edition's review questions are in the clinical vignette-based format of the current USMLE. A companion Website offers the fully searchable online text and an interactive question bank.

Series: Board Review Series

Paperback: 304 pages

Publisher: LWW; Fourth edition (June 4, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0781771161

ISBN-13: 978-0781771160

Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 0.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #384,038 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Embryology #36 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Embryology #378 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Medical Assistants

a fantastic review of embryology.Out of 7 to 10 average embryology questions that appear on step1,this book easily helps you to answer 80 to 100%of them.A high yield book for a less represented subject.

Overall, a very good book for mastering the embryology part for the Step 1 test. No other embryology text is needed for the boards other than this. This book is far more sufficient. Just make sure you actually know the material from this BRS text to smooth sail this section on the USMLE exam! It is a must to have for Step 1.

The BRS for Embryology was a supplemental text that I found incredibly helpful. The book helps to make even the most confusing development stages easy to understand and learn. It helps to weed through the details and focus on the main concepts. I found this book to be truly helpful in studying and preparing for med school exams for my first year. I would recommend this to any student who feels confused or overwhelmed by developmental anatomy.

So there's this debate that says "which book is better, High Yield, or BRS" the real question shouldn't which is better but what offers more.Trutfully BRS and HighYield actually offer nearly the same exact material. Matter of fact, even the same diagrams and pictures! The difference is that BRS has a bit more explanations on certain topics and has a bunch of questions in the end of each chapter.Now, you don't have to take my word, buy both books. You're not going to go broke and it's not the end of the world. You can by both used for less than 15 bucks and put your mind at east.

Excellent book to read for review as well as during class. The kindle version is well formatted and the books are well organized. They do not have many pictures to help show or explain things. The USMLE First Aid Series does a good job with visual aids if you want those in your guide.

This book is a good reference book for your embryology course during Basic Sciences. The most useful part for me have been the practise questions. LWW gives you on-line access to the questions so you do not have to carry the book around with you all of the time. This book may be a bit to indepth to use while reviewing for STEP 1 if you have a limted amount of time.

This book is good. However, it's downfall is the lack of illustrative pictures to help the student understand the massive amount of development that occurs. More diagrams would've been nie, but the amount of information there is a plethora and enough for one to understand the development that occurs due the fetal period.

This book falls into the category of way too much! Sometimes the BRS series is the best thing in the world, and sometimes it just bites. Unfortunally this book falls into the later. It is overwhelming to try and read through. It is ridden with detail after detail that makes it horribly difficult to read. It isn't even feasible to use this book along with class because it would take longer to read through this book then take the class that only last a couple weeks. Getting straight to the point, unless you want to spend insane amounts of time on embryology, don't bother with this book. Look to the high-yield series for a much better embryology source.

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