Hardcover: 120 pages
Publisher: DK ADULT; 1st American ed edition (May 16, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0789406098
ISBN-13: 978-0789406095
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 0.6 x 11.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (12 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,039,733 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Embryology #1617 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Women's Health > Pregnancy & Childbirth #3291 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Biology & Life Sciences > Biology
We loved sharing this book with our 11 year old daughter. As we hit each pregnancy milestone, we looked it up in the book. We loved reading about what new things the baby was doing and we really enjoyed the photographs. Amazing. We're now buying this book for our friends who just found out they're expecting.
I bought a lot of books when I was pregnant, and this was one of the best. It is not a comprehensive overview of pregnancy or infant development. It is an oversized illustrated book that shows you what your baby looks like at various stages, and tells you some of the most interesting things about he or she as she develops inside of you. I loved it.
Who knew you could get a lense in there?!? The photography is what makes this book so unique. Incredible details of what that little baby looks like, right down to her fuzzy face at xx weeks, way before anyone would guess the little wonder was so developed. I've never seen images like these anywhere else. I got the book for my wife as a Christmas present, early in her pregnancy, and now we're looking to buy a copy for someone else. This will surely deepen your appreciation for how precious life is.
I really like this book! There are several color pictures documenting the development from day 1, along with a simple informative text. Although it is about 15 years old now, I didn't feel it was dated. It focused on the timeless aspects of pregnancy, and I found it to give just the right amount of information to explain the wonderful pictures and an overview of development without going too far. The birth and nursing pictures are done tastefully in a way that I don't mind others looking at it with me. I prefer this book over Lennart Nilsson's latest 2004 edition of A Child is Born (I found that one to be too lengthy and to contain some pictures I'd be uncomfortable showing other people).
I saw this book at work [California Science Center] and immediately wanted to buy it, as so did my other staff members and friends. 2 of the girls in there are pregnant and they actually cried because these pictures show you very clearly the picture of what your baby looks like inside you. It even shows you when the baby first starts smiling and laughing and even tells you when they have the hiccups. I think it's a great book for everyone not just people who are going to have a baby. I bought this book along with "A child is Born" and they both are great.
We were so interested to see what was going on inside, which is why we purchased this book. It really helped us bond with our first daughter when we saw photos of her progress.
This book is somewhat dated compared to _A Child is Born_ or _From Conception to Birth_. The photos aren't quite as good and the text isn't quite as detailed. While an interesting and informative book, the photographers of the other books were able to take clearer pictures.
This book is INCREDIBLE. I read it straight through- cover to cover. It is truly amazing to see and read about the miraculous development of a baby. I'm a biologist and I can truly say I learned a lot from this book. As others have the said, the photography is very detailed. Your baby can be viewed at any stage of development. The descriptions outline exactly what is going on develpmentally. I was fascinated to read about what my baby is capable of doing in utero even at such and early phase. Out of all the books I have purchased during my pregnancy this one really shed light on what was going on inside of me.
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