Series: Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing (Ruppel)
Paperback: 512 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 9 edition (April 10, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323052126
ISBN-13: 978-0323052122
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.5 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (23 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #452,353 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #78 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Respiratory Therapy #90 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Pulmonary & Thoracic Medicine #91 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Diagnostics & Labs > Laboratory Medicine
This book is for ANYONE who is thinking about, or ever has an inclination of perfoming Pulmonary Function Testing. This book covers absolutely everything that there is to know; and, with a working knowladge of this book the CPFT Exam is very attainable.
While I have not read the entire work, I have so far found this new edition of PFT's easier to read and understand than the past edition; it also appears more comprehensive. My only complaint is that it is in paperback, and if used as a reference, will be worn quickly!
Gregg Ruppel's 9th Edition text has already been useful in our Pulmonary Function Laboratory, and now I am writing a hospital-based course of study for my staff members based upon this text. Since our laboratory uses plethysmography, this is a very useful reference work. Some of our Respiratory Therapists plan to sit for the CPFT board exam, and I believe this text should provide enough information for confidently taking the NBRC exam. For labs wishing to meet American Thoracic Society (ATS) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) standards, this text should provide excellent guidance.While the book has held up well enough in our frequent handling, having a spiral binding would have been better. As it is, I am ordering a couple more copies to use as study texts for our Respiratory Therapists.
This book has everything you need to know about PFT's. As far as test taking, you have to sort the pertinent facts out from the extra details (extra, but good to know). Also, the RPFT exam has a little bit of questions touching on Pulmonary Rehab and Asthma education. This book doesn't cover those topics. But, in practice, Asthma ed and Pulm Rehab isn't quite the direct task of an RPFT.Take home message: great reference manual. Covers 95-98% of the material on the RPFT exam, but the RPFT exam only tests 85% of the material that's in the book. The other 15% is good to know anyway.
I recommend this book. If you are involved in Pulmonary Function Testing you are probably already aware of Mr. Ruppel's textbook. I often see it in the hands of Respiratory Therapy students who come to my lab for clinical experience. (They should NOT sell it back to the college bookstore!) I personally bought this copy to have on our reference shelf in the lab. It is very well put together, well written and covers nearly all aspects of Pulmonary Function Testing from lab organization and quality control to lung diagnostic techniques and their clinical significance. My edition did not have any discussion on Impulse Oscillometry but hope this rising technology will be included soon.Buy it, read it and then use your knowledge to help "raise the bar" for our profession!
I teach Respiratory Therapy,and specifically Pulmonary Functions. I have found Ruppel's text to be very comprehensive and easy for students to read. He has written a book for the technologist, not the physician. The informations is well researched and correct according to the established standards set up by the American Thoracic Society and the American College of Chest Physicians. I have read other popular Respiratory Therapy Text that have apparently never heard of these standards. I am in anticipation of the release of his 8th edition.
This book will serve as an excellent reference for anyone interested in knowing the rationale and procedures of pulmonary function testing. Nice sections on cardiopulmonary exercise testing as well. The latest edition features refined text and graphics and is really a nice read. We use it for our Pulmonary Fellowship at Georgetown University Hospital.
has complete and precise information to understand the basics of lung function testing. good reference book for pulmonary residents. its i even in the Up to date recommended reference book for this matter.
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