Why Women Love Jerks: Realizing The Best Version Of Yourself To Effortlessly Attract Women (Dating Advice For Men To Attract Women And Increase Confidence)
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Wondering why JERKS always get the girls and you're sitting on the sidelines?Have you been disregarded as just the nice guy? Are you wondering how so-called jerks always get the girls while good guys like yourself aren’t getting any? Can’t figure out why treating someone well isn’t working for you? Hate that you’re stuck in the friendzone all the time?If you answered yes to any of those… you are in a pickle and need to read and internalize Why Women Love Jerks immediately!You see it all too often – the guys that treat women like crap will always end up with them, while decent, quality guys like yourself are wondering what’s missing. How are women so blind?! Well, they are and they aren’t.Why Women Love Jerks will show you the secrets of the jerk's attraction and how you can harness them for your own benefit. You’ll remain true to yourself, and there’s no gimmicks, manipulation or tricks here – it’s not about mistreating women to create attention and attraction. You’ll learn how to apply powerful mindsets and lifestyle changes to make yourself seriously attractive and irresistible to women.This isn’t a book of pep-talks and rah-rah cheer. This book will open your eyes and change your entire mindset and perception of relationships… whether you’ve been married for years, or are just beginning to date around. Ready to jump down the rabbit hole and figure out what you’ve been missing all these years?Here’s a sampling of what you’ll learn:-How zealously pursuing a woman will actually make her run for the hills-The difference between treating your woman like a mate and smothering her like a daughter-The subtle ways you can make her pursue you-Why killing women with kindness doesn’t work -Why a strong man is better than a nice man, and why they aren’t mutually exclusive. -How to not compromise yourself and your values-Why embracing relationship limbo and not using labels is one of the most powerful things you can do...As well as advanced mindsets like:-Cultivating true confidence with vulnerability and honesty-Becoming a source of inspiration of challenge to a woman-How to maintain a strong sense of self and identity in the confines of a relationship -Prioritizing yourself as a means of becoming attractive and eligibleAll summed up in a convenient cheat sheet!Wouldn’t it be nice to uncover the secrets to attracting all sorts of women while remaining true to yourself? To break out of the friendzone and never be demoted to “just a friend?” To crack the real code to effective attraction? To upgrade your lifestyle and habits in overwhelmingly positive ways? Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy of Why Women Love Jerks today and write your ticket to newfound attraction today!P.S. I promise, you'll be ANYTHING but a jerk after this book!

File Size: 1485 KB

Print Length: 78 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Plain Key Media (May 27, 2014)

Publication Date: May 27, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #30,022 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Arts & Photography #21 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Reference > Architecture #53 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Self-Help > Self-Esteem

Okay I have to say that I agree with everything in this book based on my experience. Before my last relationship, I lived every single one of these points and they worked. I lost my philosophy and have had terrible results. I read other books on dating, but they were always counter to what worked for me before. Going to great lengths to learn pickup lines, etc implies that I have nothing better to do with my time than pursue girls (and that's girls in general!) That they are so high value that I must study how to get them (which implies my low value). I literally used to say "I'm the prize" to myself and I never would over-pursue girls etc. One more thing: I wouldn't explicitly say it, but I gave an aura that I was a man that was going to make sure my needs were met. It's subtle, but it works amazingly well. In other words, I am not dependent on that girl to meet my needs. If she didn't. I'd find another one that would. I wouldn't explicitly state this, but like the author said, women are very perceptive. It worked well because it made me not dependent, powerful, confident, not needy (avoiding all the unattractive qualities) AND it would put her mind on that she had to COMPETE FOR ME (even if I didn't have another girl in the pipeline). As I got older, I thought that I was playing games back then, but honestly it is what led to my longest relationship. I don't think it's playing games anymore after reading this book, and I don't feel guilty. It's just using human behavior to your advantage rather than always being frustrated.

I was drawn by the title of the book... why DO women love jerks? Turns out there are some very good reasons which only take the outward appearance of being a jerk. If that doesn't make sense to you you should read the book and see exactly how King illustrates it! Point being that we can learn something from everyone, even jerks, who excel at attracting women, right? There's great knowledge in here.

I think I would consider this more of a life advice for men book as opposed to dating advice... or at least life advice as it helps men date. The messages are clear - the better you are yourself, the more women will want you. It's not rocket science, but it's illustrated very clearly with steps on how to grow yourself and BECOME THE MAN THAT WOMEN WANT. I'll be re-reading this periodically...

The author makes some excellent points about why women love jerks but the language is winding, confusing and repetitive. The whole book could have been written in 1/3 rd the number of pages more succinctly and been easier to read. Still, an interesting read and recommended if you are one of those "nice guys"

Being the normal "nice guy," I picked up this book eager to see what I could do to capture the "complex" that women are attracted to while retaining the positive attributes of a "nice guy." It was interesting to see how King put it all together in this quick, easy-to-read book. It has really helped me in discovering myself to better attract women.

Hey, I used to be a "nice guy" too. When I figured this out, I became a jerk too. Now, I own my own business, have a couple of nice cars, and a smoking hot wife.Be a jerk, and take care of your own needs first. I used to take care of everyone else first. I was rewarded with disrespect and an ex-wife that enjoyed sex with everyone but me. Now, I am a jerk and have never been happier. Don't listen to that "I want a gentle, nice guy BS." You will get trampled and abused.

I've always been considered the "nice" guy, the one you take home to mom and dad. I would get frustrated to see good girls fall for the wrong guys aka "bad boys" and get their hearts broken. Then I read this book and realized that I don't need to be a bad boy to get the good girls. I just needed to understand why women loved jerks and the rest is history. If you're a nice guy like me then you need to get this book. You'll have all the tools you need to compete with those bad boys.

This book is amazingly accurate about what happens to a guy when he thinks he is giving the girl what she wants...FEMALES don't know what they want!!! All you can do is your own thing and hope she falls in line. If not, at least you're doing your own thing!!

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