The Wind Is My Mother: The Life And Teachings Of A Native American Shaman
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With eloquent simplicity, one of the world's last Native American Medicine Men demonstrates how traditional tribal wisdom can help us maintain spiritual and physical health in today's world.

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Berkley; Reprint edition (February 1, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0425161609

ISBN-13: 978-0425161609

Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.8 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (83 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #45,116 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #6 in Books > History > World > Religious > Ethnic & Tribal #21 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Regional U.S. > South #71 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Specific Demographics > Native American Studies

"The Wind is My Mother: Teachings of a Native american Shaman" is an extremely inspirational book filled with wisdom that has been passed down for centuries. It is a combination of Universal Truths and every-day living. Grandfather Bear Heart sits right up there with Fools Crow as one of the True Holy Men of our time. He has studied a multitude of subjects ranging from psychology to Anthropology, yet has learned that all we ever truly know is that which we have experienced.....Though you will not become a Holy Person just by reading this book, it will inspire you to achieve your full potential as a human being, it will teach you the importance of truly living. One of Bear Heart's Elders was quoted in the book, saying-"You've been given the gift of life, don't just become an old man, learn something." An he has defintely learned many things....but the most important aspect of this wonderful man perhaps, is the fact that he practices true love and through that love, the wisdom he carries with him will penitrate the deepest part of your being.I do hope that you have the honor of reading this book, and may you be moved to carry on his medicine, wisdom and love to all those arround you.....whether the ones arround you are two-leggeds, four-leggeds, the flying ones, the planted ones or those who are in the spirit world.

This book is beautiful! It is an honor to have done my Vison Quest with Bear Heart, to have visited with him, to have an ongoing relationship of student/teacher. The Kirkus review reflects that individual's skepticism. I have studied and practiced shamanism for 25 years. Bear Heart is the real deal, both as a human being and medicine man. You will find his life story extremely inspiring. I hope you get the chance to meet him too. Your heart and spirit will know who he is! Sakanta Running Wolf, Th'e Chupe ke ya ka Pah, Muscogee Creek name, means Walks in Freedom

I agree with a previous reviewer that this book is not a how-to on becoming a shaman. For anyone exposed to, and travelling on what could be considered a shaman-like path, this book offers insights not only in a man who would become a healer, but insights that can apply to almost anyone. I am not a shaman, nor do I claim to be, but Bear Heart's book brought a number of things to the forefront of my life, and cleared my mind as to the path I should take.Will this be the case for everyone? I doubt it. Otherwise, it is a quick and very entertaining read. For those on their own path, it won't show you the way, but will point the way within yourself so you may search for and find the answers you seek.

The book helps to put everyday life into focus. You feel the authors caring, pain, and love for humans, animals and nature. Bear Heart helps you to take the time to look around you and realize what really is important. The book has so much meaning to me I have given it as gifts to friends who have needed help regaining focus on life and to recognize what is really important. I even gave a copy to my daughter, to help her gain focus. All have enjoyed it and are re-focusing at least some areas of their lives. Very much worth the money and the time to read "The Wind Is My Mother" by Bear Heart.

"The Wind Is My Mother", is a truly amazing book, by an even more amazing man. Grandfather Bear Heart tells us his story, from a child, up to the present time. It tells of his quest for knowledge about the ways of the Shaman, and his teachers along the way. Any time that I'm feeling depressed, I reread this book. It is a very uplifting work, and demonstrates that while the man is one of great Shamanic skills, he also is very humble, and humorous. Grandfather Bear Heart is a man of immense passion for Mother Earth and all her children. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Native American Spirituality, or just in becoming a better person. After reading it, try to attend one of the Bear Tribe's Medicine Wheel Gatherings, where he frequently gives seminars. It, and he, will truly change your life, as it did mine.

I have just re-read this book for the 5th time. Having studied with this gentle and kind man, I never tire of reading the book, and learn something new each time I read it. He is truly humble and wants no one to put him on a pedestal. As he says, he's just a man who has studied a very long time. His book continues to help me lead a more balanced life and to walk more in harmony with everything and everyone around me. The simple life-truths in the book are timeless and can help everyone to lead a more fulfillling and less-stressful life...if they choose to do so.

I felt that this was an amazing story of a shaman's life. The book begins with a brief history of historical events which Native Americans endured. This sets the tale of trials and tribulations which the narrator "Bear Heart" encounters as a medicine man of his tribe. Throughout the novel, Bear Heart stresses the use of both Indian and Christian morals to bring about a well rounded life as well as combating the evils that we encounter every day. When reading this novel, I felt that the writing style at times became very repetitive in messages that the writer was trying to convey. Bear Heart may have been repeating these themes for emphasis; however, I felt that it made portions of the novel drag on. Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who has interest in the spiritual aspects of Native American culture.

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