The Travels Of A T-Shirt In The Global Economy: An Economist Examines The Markets, Power And Politics Of The World Trade, 2nd Edition
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The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy has been lauded by the New York Times, Financial Times, and reviewers worldwide. Translated into fourteen languages, Travels has received numerous awards for its frank and nuanced discussion of global economic realities.  Now updated and revised--including a discussion of environmental issues--this fascinating book illustrates crucial lessons in economics, politics, and globalization. The major themes and conclusions from the first edition are intact, but in  response to questions from readers and students around the world, the second edition now includes: Updates on the people, businesses, and politics involved in the production of the T-shirt. Discussions of environmental issues related to both international trade and the T-shirt's life story.

Paperback: 316 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 2nd Revised & enlarged edition (March 3, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470287160

ISBN-13: 978-0470287163

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (141 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #122,628 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Business & Money > International > Exports & Imports #26 in Books > Business & Money > International > Global Marketing #30 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > International & World Politics > Trades & Tariffs

Spurred by a Georgetown student anti-sweatshop protest, Pietra Rivoli took up the task of tracing the life of a (tacky souvenir) t-shirt she buys in Florida, to examine the economics and politics of this non-trivial segment of the apparel industry. Why she buys the t-shirt in the first place remains a mystery. Why she needs one from Florida that she will likely discard is even more of a mystery. She made me think about studying the American practice of souvenir shopping and excess consumption. But her t-shirt has a story worth telling.Rivoli first adeptly traces the history of cotton as a critical world commodity, including the struggles in England two hundred fifty years ago by the wool industry to combat the comfort of cotton, going so far as to prohibit the use of calico and the requirement that people be buried in wool. The questionable economics of slavery moved cotton production to the United States, but it was and still is the intervention of technology, research and financial capital that made cotton farming so much more productive today. Nonetheless, the ability of Texas farmers to market "low quality" cotton can best be attributed to both technology and federal price supports, up to 19 cents on a 59 cent pound of cotton. Cotton, while still a major commodity in global trade, has probably declined in relative value and share of the world economy. What we may be seeing is more of the slow death of the importance a dated commodity and less of a "race to the bottom" that she suggests.She then takes us to t-shirt and apparel manufacturing and employment, now on the wane in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. People mistakenly think that these jobs are being sent to China. They're not. In fact, they're just disappearing.

Every so often I read a book that makes me wish I could build a course around it. I would love to teach a media literacy class from Marshall McLuhan's "Understanding Media", or a human geography class from Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel", for two examples. I had that rare feeling also for Pietra Rivoli's "The Travels of a T-Shirt In The Global Economy", except that in this case I was able to bring that urge to fruition. Teaching high school economics is challenging, to say the least, and rarely lends itself to any one singular vision. It is a survey course, with state-mandated standards that must all be checked off by the end of the year. Aside from textbooks, which usually leave much to be desired, meaningful text almost always must be drawn from a plethora of sources, sorted by the standard addressed, and photocopied or projected onto a screen for the students. This is why Rivoli's book is such a windfall for econ teachers. This is a book that directly addresses and informs most of the introductory economics standards. The author draws insights on various economic concepts directly from economists, policymakers, farmers, laborers, scientists, business owners and others. Heavy use of primary sources like these is of great benefit in the classroom. You can see ears perk up when excerpts (in the book) from Eli Whitney's letters are read, or from letters written by young women working in textile mills, for a few examples.With regards to standards addressed, I will mention just a few of the many. Productivity is an early focal point of the book, and slavery, the cotton gin, the tractor (after the mule), advanced fertilizers, and genetically modified seeds are all explored, and those passages make for great lesson starters.

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