Diagnostic Radiology And Ultrasonography Of The Dog And Cat, 5e
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Interpret diagnostic images accurately with Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition. Written by veterinary experts J. Kevin Kealy, Hester McAllister, and John P. Graham, this concise guide covers the principles of diagnostic radiology and ultransonography and includes clear, complete instruction in image interpretation. It illustrates the normal anatomy of body systems, and then uses numbered points to describe radiologic signs of abnormalities. It also includes descriptions of the ultrasonographic appearance of many conditions in dogs and cats. Updated with the latest on digital imaging, CT, MR, and nuclear medicine, and showing how to avoid common errors in interpretation, this book is exactly what you need to refine your diagnostic and treatment planning skills!Hundreds of detailed radiographs and ultrasonograms clearly illustrate principles, aid comprehension, and help you accurately interpret your own films.The normal anatomy and appearance for each body system is included so you can identify deviations from normal, such as traumatic and pathologic changes.Coverage of the most common disorders associated with each body system help you interpret common and uncommon problems.Coverage of radiographic principles and procedures includes density, contrast, detail, and technique, so you can produce the high-quality films necessary for accurate diagnosis.Clinical signs help you arrive at a clinical diagnosis.An emphasis on developing a standardized approach to viewing radiographs and ultrasonograms ensures that you do not overlook elements of the image that may affect proper diagnosis.Complete coverage of diagnostic imaging of small animals includes all modalities and echocardiography, all in a comprehensive, single-source reference.Discussions of ultrasound-guided biopsy technique help you perform one of the most useful, minimally invasive diagnostic procedures.Single chapters cover all aspects of specific body compartments and systems for a logical organization and easy cross-referencing.Coverage of different imaging modalities for individual diseases/disorders is closely integrated in the text and allows easier comprehension.A consistent style, terminology, and content results from the fact that all chapters are written by the same authors. An improved layout makes the material easier to read and comprehend.Over 450 new or improved illustrations cover topics with clear, high-quality images.Coverage of CT, MRI, and scintigraphy has been expanded.Updated chapters include the latest developments in diagnostic imaging and findings on new conditions.New computed tomography and digital radiography information in The Radiograph chapter includes help in recognizing artifacts on ultrasound.Expanded sections on ultrasound in The Thorax chapter include examples and more content on portosystemic shunts, including color Doppler images.Color flow and spectral Doppler images in The Abdomen chapter complement the descriptions of radiologic conditions, relevant information on CT imaging and thyroid scintigraphy.An expanded section on appendicular pathology and joint pathology is added to The Bones and Joints chapter.New and improved diagrams/line drawings with accompanying normal images of the brain and spine are added in The Skull and Vertebral Column chapter, including more MRI and CT to illustrate normal components and pathologic conditions.Update on new soft-tissue conditions appears in the Soft Tissues chapter.

Hardcover: 592 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 5 edition (September 29, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1437701507

ISBN-13: 978-1437701500

Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 1.1 x 11.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #536,144 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #61 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Radiology > Ultrasonography #97 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Veterinary Medicine > Small Animal #164 in Books > Medical Books > Veterinary Medicine > Small Animal Medicine

This text looks a little thin for $ 99 but once you look at the quality and number of its pictures you realize that it is worth every penny. I missed a more detailed description on how to take radiographs as great as the ones the authors show, and the part on ultrasonography might be a little more comprehensive. Or maybe it is that the part on radiology is so darn good than nothing else can match it! If you need to learn radiology, buy it and enjoy yourself for hours by looking at the beautiful pictures and reading the excellent descriptions.

I thoroughly enjoy referring to this book. I am new in the sonographic realm and fine this book to be most helpful. Thank you

This is a good book for aiding in your learning of small animal radiology and it was way cheaper here than getting it through my school. But if you have a crapy professor, it won't replace that.

Amazing book wth detailed radiographs ultrasound images And clinical examples which helps the reader understand the topic in depth ....


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